Are you a Bodybuilder?

If you take bodybuilding the word to mean building your body then everyone who does this is a bodybuilder.l

That's where I make a little adjustment. That's what I call someone who does fitness, but the following:
"building your body with results"
is what I consider bodybuilding.
I'd say i'm a dedicated trainer.Follow the training and diet to pretty much a tee,interested in all things to do with training but i'm not big,nor will i ever will be compared to the likes of Con,RS etc etc.

I'm fine with this though:thumb:
I currently think of myself as a physical culturist, as whilst I am trying to build my body to a lean 20+st, I play with and am interested in many other aspects of physical training.
It is certainly a lot easier to explain being a bodybuilder than the nuances of the variance.
There is no right answer as already said, it just comes down to your perception or others perception. In my opinion, you're a bodybuilder if you take bodybuilding seriously - ie, you don't just do curls for girls. Likewise with powerlifting, you train to be as strong as you can be. Then, if you want to sound extra special, add the word "competitive". So if you compete, you're a "competitive bodybuilder" / "competitive powerlifter"
Id say i was an experimental physical artist. now how good does that sounds LMAO may change my heading to super experimental physical artist moderator hahaha
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