Anonymous Forum Change


It was almost unanimous, so the change has been made to allow myself (nobody else) to see the identity of anonymous posts. I will only be checking when something very inappropriate has been posted but please be aware that it can now be done, whereas the functionality previously was completely blocked off. I'm sure many of you didn't believe me when I said that but I honestly could not see the identity of any anonymous post, which opened it up to be abused by a minority.

I will not share the identity of any post unless forced by law enforcement. I'm not the type to gossip and it would only reflect very badly on me, after all I'm the only that has access, so if something is posted in confidence in the anonymous forum and somebody were to find out it was you then you would know it was me that leaked the information, so ignoring morality you can see it's in my own interests to ensure things remain anonymous, so hopefully that gives you the confidence to continue using the feature.

Any questions, please ask.
This change also means that new threads don't require moderation and will show instantly like they did originally.
There have been too many inappropriate posts via the anonymous account. This is just to let everyone know they've not gone unnoticed and the permissions will be removed from the people who have been misusing the feature very soon. Depending on the number of people doing this it may result in the minimum post requirements to use the feature being raised too.