A Bombs Transformation Log


Full Member
hey guys decided to do this to give me some much needed motivation.
starting weight 88.5kg this morning last few weeks my diet hasnt been great but i will improve!
Goals: loose some fat and see some abs for the first time in my life, improve my upper body size, and sort out my squat and generals progress all lifts. and maybe a 200kg deadlift

cardio is a fasted dog walk for roughly a hour 3-5 times a week other cardio will be cycling and the odd hiit class at the gym
diet is as follows
1: 80g oats some rasins and almonds, half milk half water, 2 scoops whey
2: 200g chicken and veg
3: 150g rice, 1 can tuna, veg, 1 scoop whey
4: 1scoop whey, rasins and almonds, 1 banana
5: 1 scoop whey with amino's
6: pw 2scoops whey, bcaa, glutamine
7: 2 fish fillets and veg, wednesday and saturday steak and 275g rice (sometimes swap for sweet pot)
8: 1 tbsp pb 1 scoop casein

suplements: cla, omega 3,6,9, multivits, vit c, gaspari superpump pre workout, ethel ester creatine, bcaa, glutamine and recently started to use yohimbine hcl
Am cardio this morning for 30mins as I got up late! Trained back tonight as follows
Deads warm up then 4x4 at 162.5 felt slow and heavy but got there but need to work on speed
Few drops sets 105x15 65x30
Single arm db row 40x12 42.5x12 45x12
Lat pull down 8th plate 3x12 nice slow contraction here
Lat push down 55x10 60x10
Lat pull over 15x20
Nice pump will do biceps tomorrow alongside cardio and core work
Right 45mins fasted cardio this morning would of been longer but broke the laces on my boots tiring them and had to find others haha and to top it off I've injured something in my knee doing deadlifts it's feeling better but thing tomorrow leg session will be swapped to chest/tris.
Did 20mins hiit tonight on treadmill followed by
Curls 18x12 23.5x10 26x8 28x6 31x4
Drops 28x8 26x10 23.5x12 18x15
Con curls 9x10x10x12
Leg raise 3x20
Hammer curls 21x10 22.5x10 24x10
Hi cable curls 25x10 30x8 20x12
Lumber jacks (not sure if this is right name)
3x10 at 20
Done good session nice pump in the bi's and weights still going up nice
Woke up at 6am on my day off to go to the gym! Leg session went like so
10 mins cardio and foam rolling and flute activation shite...
Then leg ext 2x20 3x15 4x10 5x10
Squats bar x20x20 40x16 60x10.
Works sets decided on gvt to work on form
100kg 10x10 90 seconds rest times
Leg press 200x20 220x20 240x20 260x20 felt a bit dicky with my knee on these
Leg ext 5x19x17x15 leg curl 50lbs x20x18x15

Calves ss donkey press 105x20x20x15
Seated 31.25x20x17x15
Nice sweaty session with a nice pump higher cal day today so about to have fillet steak and sweet potatoe chips!
Did a nice hours fasted cardio this morning and it was bloody cold!
Tonight's chest session
Bench 30x12 40x10 50x8 60x6 65x4 67.5x2 70x1
Drops 60x10 55x10 45x9 30x15 20x19
Cable contraction 20x12 25x12 30x10x10
Inc db 17.512x15
Inc db fly
11.5x 20, 15,10 second holds then ten reps really felt these today any they were hard!
V bar press ss with underhand pull downs 3x12
Rope pushdowns 2x25 at 10kg
Oh Tri ext 17.5x20, 20, 10
Nice pump in the chest today wish it was that big all the time!
Been keeping to a hours fasted cardio every day and a few bike rides haven't been able to make it to the gym yesterday due to work! Grrr oh well back and bi's tonight and will hit delts tomorrow. 86.5kg on Saturday morning!
Will upload what I've been up to tomorrow. Seem to have pulled my back out doing deadlifts as let form slip being lazy. Had lowered carbs this last week but may up them again due to my heavy squats sucking today only managed 140 for 2 :sad:
Will actually start to upload workouts tomorrow! Weighed in today at 86kg which I'm happy with as I've drank way too much pop this week need to stop! And are trying to make an appearance a bit more now
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Weight on Friday was 84.4 so coming down well today's back workout as follows
Deads 60x12 100x10 120x8 140x6 160x4 170x2 180x1 185x1 190 fail did manage to snap it off the floor though.bthen six sets of 5 speed work at 100kg
Lat pull downs 3x12 on 9th plate
Single arm rows 42.5x12 50x11 x10
Lat push down 55x10x10
Db pull over 14x20 nice slow negatives
Biceps will be done tomorrow as got to the gym late.
Going to change my am Cardio route to a shit load of stairs hopefully it'll get rid of more fat!
Been having a bit of a shit time atm and have lost motivation so giving myself a boot up the arse this week! Got a pall to take a pic of my back after deadlifts today if think it's looking better but still got love handles! Haha


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