Abdominals Training


Who here trains abs? How do you train them and how often?
I’ve always trained abs and believe it led to me having a blocky waist (from front) even when lean . I put it down to this ab crunch machine I used to use cos I always went heavy on it.
When gyms were open I just did cable crunches and leg raises alternating on training days except legs. now at home I’m doing hundreds of reps and Thinking is it just a waste of time?
Gonna look into more core strength sort of stuff...planks l sits etc but don’t wanna build a blockier waist
Who here trains abs? How do you train them and how often?
I’ve always trained abs and believe it led to me having a blocky waist (from front) even when lean . I put it down to this ab crunch machine I used to use cos I always went heavy on it.
When gyms were open I just did cable crunches and leg raises alternating on training days except legs. now at home I’m doing hundreds of reps and Thinking is it just a waste of time?
Gonna look into more core strength sort of stuff...planks l sits etc but don’t wanna build a blockier waist
I never really have but current plan has me doing bw leg raises every morning and Calve raises. Two muscle groups that are usually at the back of my mind to train directly.
Always thought heavy Squats and deadlifts hit the core well. I'll assess in a few weeks whether abs daily has any positives.
I used to but dont really anymore
Prob do some roll outs once or twice a week at the most
Cant say it's made any difference
However I'm a lot more clued up on training these days
Didnt really have much idea in my 20s and I'd be training abs regularly
Now I do much more compound stuff and concentrate on engaging core and posterior chain