Arm Training


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What do you guys do for arms?
Do u start with a braced curl varient like the single arm preacher or go for the biggest bang for buck movement first ie hammer curls?

On triceps do u live at the cable station? Oddly for me any form of free weight skullcrusher/ laying extension seem to ruin my elbows but overhead work seems quite comftable
I tend to get lots of blood in first before hitting a big lift

by the time I get to triceps on push day there pumped so I go for a close grip smith and then a cable pressdown

biceps after back will be a cable curl and then a straight bar curl or machine curl
If doing just arms I start off on the cables then go to db's or ez bar after.

Usually do them after compounds but this has swayed me for biceps at least, unless deadlifting of course.

Do your skull crushers/Db extensions dips etc later in the tricep workout.

I'm doing upper lower so by the time I hit my tris elbows are fully warm
If doing preachers first make sure fully warmed up before going to a working weight. I'd warm up with some normal Db curls before doing preachers if itss my first exercise
What do you guys do for arms?
Do u start with a braced curl varient like the single arm preacher or go for the biggest bang for buck movement first ie hammer curls?

On triceps do u live at the cable station? Oddly for me any form of free weight skullcrusher/ laying extension seem to ruin my elbows but overhead work seems quite comftable
I normally do dumbbell curls x 3 sets
Hammer curls x 3 sets
Bent over free arm curls x 3 sets (Alternate each week with cable one arm curls)
Then finish with straight bar slow reps. (Alternate each week to ez bar)
what I fancy on the day, last time I trained biceps, facing away cable curls in the narrow crossovers, alt seated db's, cable Hammer.
Tris - Cross body extensions, cable press down with 2 ropes.
At the moment I do seated dumbbell incline curls and incline ez-bar skullcrushers one day and standing cable curls and cable pushdowns on another day.
Those john meadows spider curls where you squeeze the face of the dumbells together throughout the whole rep, I feel those better than any other exercise on biceps.
Those john meadows spider curls where you squeeze the face of the dumbells together throughout the whole rep, I feel those better than any other exercise on biceps.
Yeah spider curls are very strict but prefer preachers. Back in the day Larry Scott used a special bench made for spider curls. Now people use the flat side of a preacher bench