Con's Late 2014/transformation Log (page 21 For Start Pics)

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Thought I may as well start one of these again as they seem pretty popular.

13 weeks out.
Currently 192lb.
Caliper points 3mm abbs, 7mm quads, 2mm hips, 7mm back (picking fattest points on all muscles)

Cardio: 30 minutes 15% incline 3mph treadmill daily (no holding on)

1: 1 cup oats, 1/2 cup berries, 1 scoop whey, 2 whole eggs
2: 6 cooked ounces 96% beef, 3/4 cup cooked rice, broccoli
3: 6 cooked ounces chicken breast, 1 ounce almonds, broccoli
4: 4.5 cooked ounces chicken breast, 3/4 cup cooked rice, broccoli
5: 4.5 cooked ounces 96% beef, 3/4 cup cooked rice, broccoli
6: 6 cooked ounces chicken breast, 4 ounces avocado, salad
Weekly cheat meal

Training: push/legs/pull rest days when needed.
I was doing fortitude for the past 5 weeks but now I am too destroyed after the workouts to do my job (run gym, train people)

Supplements: pre workout (nothing crazy just some nootropics and caffeine), greens supplement, bcaa, creatine
Fortitude kicked your ass eh.
3mm abs, 7mm quads - intradesting.

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Trained chest with 3 competitors today (heavy, mens physique and a light weight but he's only about 5ft3 so still very stout).
I was pleased with strength and I came out on top for weight and reps.
Highlight was 305lb incline smith bench (taking into account the bar was 35lb not 45lb) 10 reps (slight spot last two reps) drop to 215lb 6 reps drop to 125lb 8 reps. Then heavy flies and a couple of super sets.
Hams and quads today with 3 bb competitors.
Lying leg curls SS with SLDL 3 straight sets 10-15 reps 1 drop set (4 drops) starting with the stack, 1 straight set 10 reps
Leg press feet high SS with leg ext 1.5 reps 3 sets 24 reps per set on leg press then failure on leg ext
Hack squat 2/3/4 plates 10 reps then 4/3/2 plates in a drop set 8 reps per set (very easy but that's just what we did)
Ultra crippled pumped at the end literally withering on the floor due to blood volume.

One dude came in to be looked at by my training partner (he coaches all the guys in my area).
Now this dude has a natural pro card and looks decent but nothing WOW.
Put it this way at my current size (IMO not big enough for a local NPC show) I look like a mass monster compared to him.
5ft10 185lb looking to compete as a middle or the NATIONALS.
Needless to say we were all pretty quiet but suggested he do a local NPC show before spending the cash to go to
In! Am crap at following journals unless I get in from the beginning, will try and stay up to date with this one. What are long term goals, Con?
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