How To Feel Fight Depression?

Cumulative effect of multiple supps, loads of healthy fats, grass fed butter, organic olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, seeds etc. Plus almost daily Cardio and quality sleep
Ashwagandha, magnesium, rhodiola rosea all have good evidence for lifting depression. Personally the first 2 are my staples along with doing keto and lots of healthy fats

Never heard of the first but definitely agree about the last two
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Bi polar would fuck your life up mate. Over and over and over again.

People have this weird idea that bi polar is just feeling bad on one day and then feeling good on the next day.

Have a read into how bi polar people actually describe mania and depression, the stuff they get up to. I could tell you some stories about shit I've done while manic that would blow your fucking mind. It's not just having a bad day then a good day.

Every man and his dog thinks they're bi polar or depressed these days, they don't know their born. If they understood the condition and what true depression is they'd rethink their claims.

What you describe yourself as sounds perfectly normal, we all have ups and downs. Good days and bad days. That's just life.

Nobody has a good day every day. You need the bad ones to appreciate the good.

Bi polar cuts 10-20 years off your average life expectancy.

Depression isn't just being a bit somber one day. It's fucking god awful.

Bi polar isn't just feeling a bit down one day and quite happy the next. It's fucking ridiculous extremes of behaviour, a complete personality change.

I agree totally. As a society, we are not properly educated about mental illness . Being sad due to life events is not depression. Depression isn't feeling a bit down, but a place where you find yourself trapped and feeling guilty at times too

Even the lads on here could tell when I was on one....
Plenty of studies about how Mindfulness can help alleviate symptoms of depression either clinical or sub-clinical.

High doses of magnesium and no-flush niacin can help alleviate symptoms too.

Mindfulness / meditation is also beneficial, plenty of clinical studies have been done which also validates this hypothesis.

Talking therapy can also help.

Mind you despite my suggestions here, SSRI meds can help but can be hit and miss finding the right formulation to help lift your mood and bring you into a healthier, consistent mindset.

For me, I work out 6 days out of every 7. I try and eat clean. I use self reflection to remind myself "it's the depression; this isn't me..."

Good luck to you, the more we can do to help each other out of this terrible mental disorder the better.
Bi polar would fuck your life up mate. Over and over and over again.

People have this weird idea that bi polar is just feeling bad on one day and then feeling good on the next day.

Have a read into how bi polar people actually describe mania and depression, the stuff they get up to. I could tell you some stories about shit I've done while manic that would blow your fucking mind. It's not just having a bad day then a good day.

Every man and his dog thinks they're bi polar or depressed these days, they don't know their born. If they understood the condition and what true depression is they'd rethink their claims.

What you describe yourself as sounds perfectly normal, we all have ups and downs. Good days and bad days. That's just life.

Nobody has a good day every day. You need the bad ones to appreciate the good.

Bi polar cuts 10-20 years off your average life expectancy.

Depression isn't just being a bit somber one day. It's fucking god awful.

Bi polar isn't just feeling a bit down one day and quite happy the next. It's fucking ridiculous extremes of behaviour, a complete personality change.

Even the lads on here could tell when I was on one....

Absolutely agree, people don't realise what mental health diagnosis entails.

An insight into my own mental health for what it's like on a level of not just feeling sad.

I've had depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts since I was 13. I had 20% attendance at school because I simply couldn't get out of bed. Always thought myself an outcast. First attempted suicide at 19 again at 24, twice that year in fact.

I've used drink and drugs in between periods to try and elevate my self hatred and stop my over thinking brain and some times tried sobriety to gain clarity also. I didn't use anything from 19/24 and still felt as bad and struggled as much with extreme emotions, crazy situations and turbulent relationships as when I did. This can make jobs extremely hard to hold down, as you can imagine not being able to get out of bed one day vs being over capable and rashly almost arrogant the next a hard person to employ or to understand, which is why being self employed is imperative.

After years of being in the mental health system, struggling to get counciling, being sectioned, finding that medications didn't work even after years/months of compliant use, I got diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.

Some days my life is beautiful, serene. I can talk to anyone and be on top of the world, anything I do is more than satisfactory and a smile curls on my lips with the simplest of observations in this extremely ornate and magical universe. Other days all I think about is how not to exist here anymore, fantasising about not having to wake up to bear another day breathing in this useless flesh puppet meat bag body my souls encased in. Mostly however I switch between the two polar opposites daily, mostly wake up suicidal/depressed, come out of it and feel amazing and do something, to then later crash into a suicidal heap before being awake with insomnia until the early hours to then repeat. That is if I'm not in a sleeping faze, by which I mean I will sleep 16h a day and not do anything else. I see the world in black and white, things are truly amazing or utterly dreadful.

Depression is commonly misunderstood as feeing sad. Depression for me is having zero energy, physical energy too not just mental like your body aches, feeling weak, not being able to think properly. As if your thoughts are turned from easily printable black ink into yellow cold skin formed custard and as you try and verbalise fonts from that custard and attempt to draw them neatly on paper legibly and double line spaced but then find you have to write with a kitchen sponge instead of a pen.
The alternate is a crisp and clean font audibly sharp and scrawled compacted and hurried, rushed and drawn of the most capable assumptions of my own ability, which is sometimes not even possible from my current life situation.
There is rarely middle ground, rarely a day that is balanced but always a mix of highs and lows. Never a day I don't second guess everything in my mind and never a day I don't self hate for everything I have done or haven't done in my life.
Naturally anger results from the frustration of not being able to manage this emotional rollercoaster daily and I may show it if I've been social by not turning up to dates i've made or if i do leaving suddenly, that's if I make it in the first place and if I can't I wonder if they think I just don't like them or the people going when in reality I really do, I just can't handle the reality of being in public at that moment. If I do I might become distant and not responsive as I sit there in a self induced panic of possibilities that range from anything to people betraying me to fantasising some ridiculous situation.

Often though I look normal because I have to, wearing a mask and pretending I'm this idea everyone has of me and then when I'm alone collapse with exhaustion of this absolutely necessary pretence to exist in society. I know what I'm thinking isn't right, then or now, and the palpitations in my chest that I have to listen to over thoughts and feelings of why I'm like this are an ever penetrating and inescapable reminder of that. Until I become depressed at these thoughts of self hate and the cycle continues.

The worst part of the cycle however is when you have good days, full whole days when you can walk down the street and not think people are plotting to kill you or be intensely paranoid of a person that's approaching you, go to the shops and not be filled with such anxiety of seeing people you don't want to that your heart beats out of your chest so much you sweat all over your body. That you're not forcing yourself outside on a bad day and appearing emotionally numb and detached like a zombie to people you encounter because you literally have nothing left to feel. Why? Because you never know how many good days you will have where you are ok and can do all these normal things. If every day was like that one day you'd be fine and that's where you question yourself and your right to even exist. If you can't even walk down town without feeling normal from one day to the next what is even the point in anything.

Even writing this makes me feel so ridiculous at how crazy this sounds that these are the thought processes that go through my brain every day, but there we are.
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Typed out an epic reply of my experience and just deleted it.

Must have took me a good half an hour there lmao.

Best left unsaid anyway as it sounded as insane as it was/is

Another time maybe.

Ah ashame, I know the feeling of purposely deleting things mental health related from a feeing of shame / it's too personal to share. I'd enjoy reading if and when you do ☺