• TMuscle acknowledges the use of AAS (anabolic and androgenic steroids) POMs (prescription-only medicines) and other performance-enhancing substances in bodybuilding today. It aims to provide reliable information on their safe administration, side effects and dangers.

    TMuscle does not approve or support the unlawful supply, possession or use of any drug.

    Members may report and describe factually their experiences with AAS and brands of AAS and POMs.

    Members may not offer to supply or facilitate the unlawful supply of AAS, POMS or other controlled drugs on TMuscle or its messaging systems.

InOne Pharma


Full Member
I’ve always sworn by them but I read on here that there had been a few reports on other forums that they’ve gone downhill.

This is the only forum I read, and admittedly not often enough sometimes to pick up important info on various UGLs.

Seeing as I’m on InOne Sustanon at the moment I await my next bloods with bated breath.

Can anyone enlighten me on the current situation with InOne? Anyone on here no getting what they expected
Didn’t know they were still around. Seen loads of bad feedback on both their oils and orals a couple of years back.
Seems like another flash-in-the-pan domestic ugl. Great for a couple of years then just goes to shit.
Chiron has been around for circa 9 years and still going strong as is SG and Advar in it’s many guises for over 15 years although it’s not domestic.
Chilton is a new kid on the block which is producing high quality meds and unless he gets busted is showing all the signs of staying around for the duration.
I’ve been using their gear for about 3 years and it’s always been good. Getting bloods done in next couple weeks so that will be the teller. I will report back with test levels etc. Funny thing is I don’t know if it’s just my imagination but I feel like I’ve lacked a little energy while on this vial.
Re Chiron I saw a bottle of their sust and it looked cloudy AF. Don’t know how old it was right enough, and they seem to get a good rep from what I see.
I’ve been using their gear for about 3 years and it’s always been good. Getting bloods done in next couple weeks so that will be the teller. I will report back with test levels etc. Funny thing is I don’t know if it’s just my imagination but I feel like I’ve lacked a little energy while on this vial.
Re Chiron I saw a bottle of their sust and it looked cloudy AF. Don’t know how old it was right enough, and they seem to get a good rep from what I see.
Can’t comment on a cloudy vial but I’m actually running their sust alongside some old Pinnacle tren. I think they’re using a different oil to the previous batches I’ve used which were GSO iirc. This oil is very very thin indeed and clear. It seems less viscous than mct but I’m not 100% sure. Usual insane libido on the go which is what a proper sust blend does to me so it’s all good.