* June Member Of The Month *

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Congratulations to last month's winner @mal.

To vote, simply mention a member in a post in this thread. You may vote for as many members as you like. Most mentions wins.

It might be someone that's helped you out with your training, someone you feel has tried hard to contribute great content recently or someone that's made you laugh. Please let us know why you're voting, whatever the reason.

Please can everyone try and vote for at least one member. If the person with the most votes has less than 5 then the competition will be rolled into the following month to allow more time.

Deadline is the 30th June.

Prizes - If you didn't see the posts in the previous thread this competition is no longer sponsored and therefore there aren't currently any prizes up for grabs besides a TMuscle T-Shirt for the winner, however the aim is to get another sponsor within the next couple of months. The more votes and activity in the thread, the easier it will be to attract a sponsor so please get voting!
Not too many votes this month but Hilly just made it to the 5 required to prevent a rollover, well done :thumb:
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Let me know if you'd like another t-shirt to add to the collection @Hilly!
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