Just Below The Knee Rack Pulls.


Do you reckon these are worth doing for back thickness?
Or is just below the knee too high up to be an effective movement.

Need an alternative to Deads until the knee gets better, the next lowest pin is mid shin which is still low enough to cause discomfort
Brilliant for back mate go heavy as you can and before you lower the bar go for a heavy shrug as well or stay in the rack lift the pins and finish of with heavy shrugs
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Made my best progress on deads rotating between them and rack pulls on a ppl routine. Just make sure you tighten everything up and engage the lats so you lift through them and do dead stop reps.
Made my best progress on deads rotating between them and rack pulls on a ppl routine. Just make sure you tighten everything up and engage the lats so you lift through them and do dead stop reps.
I do them on the Smith towards the end of a pull session or even last exercise for higher reps to finish
Set the stops so bar is a couple of inches below the knee
Dead stop
Engage the lats first, then pull
John Meadows calls it a bodybuilding style deadlift
Do you reckon these are worth doing for back thickness?
Or is just below the knee too high up to be an effective movement.

Need an alternative to Deads until the knee gets better, the next lowest pin is mid shin which is still low enough to cause discomfort
Do they need to be off the rack? DY seemed to do alright when it came to back thickness partial DL’ing.
Do they need to be off the rack? DY seemed to do alright when it came to back thickness partial DL’ing.

He was Dorian Yates though, similar exercise but a lot more taxing, more like a high RDL if not from a dead stop on the rack.
Pointless ego lift imo
Agree...see twinks who can still pull a good weight with no backs. Overrated power move.
Traps train traps, lats train lats, erectors...train them. Better exercises as the deadlift is a high risk ..Jack of all trades master of none.
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See some pretty huge guys doing them so they obvs work.

Even if it is ego lifting for some if you've got weight on the bar and engaging the right muscles, no exercise is pointless.
See some pretty huge guys doing them so they obvs work.

Even if it is ego lifting for some if you've got weight on the bar and engaging the right muscles, no exercise is pointless.
I see huge guys walking ?
Does that mean walking makes your legs massive?
He was Dorian Yates though, similar exercise but a lot more taxing, more like a high RDL if not from a dead stop on the rack.
Irrespective of who DY is, he performed as series of lifts with ZERO ego lifting, that resulted in him building an impressive back. As you said, this version is more taxing and at the same time potentially safer than a rack pull