Mrwrights Wrong Way To Look Wright

Hit all bench yesterday really had no energy so did bench 5/3/1 hit 4 on the last set and shoulders 5x10, 2.5kg up from last time and fairly easily

Squat easy today again hit 4 on my 1+ set
5x10 stiff deadlift with 60kg
2 sets of 5 snatches? With 60
Then maybe ill do cardio

Hyped up on pre workout out maybe left it late tho might be up all night raving like Lee
Spent Sunday in gullivers World so diet was a

Egg & beans
few ham butties crisps an handful of fruit
Chicken burger n chips from takeaway

Got glasses now cuz I'm old as fuck and slowly failing at life

Deload week this week
Not sure if I'm gonna as weights weren't really at any sort of struggle
Might just use it to add volume on the accessories and up cardio

Gonna start popping cardarine this week too if I remember
Spent Sunday in gullivers World so diet was a

Egg & beans
few ham butties crisps an handful of fruit
Chicken burger n chips from takeaway

Got glasses now cuz I'm old as fuck and slowly failing at life

Deload week this week
Not sure if I'm gonna as weights weren't really at any sort of struggle
Might just use it to add volume on the accessories and up cardio

Gonna start popping cardarine this week too if I remember

Had glasses since I was in primary school mate. Get the jam jar look..
Had glasses since I was in primary school mate. Get the jam jar look..
Never had a problem before, now I've got a new job I'm struggling slightly to read small text on screen

Everything's suddenly in HD when I have glasses on now so maybe my eyes were worse
Only wearing them occasionally at the minute
Big plans for today and not happened

Cardio hasn't happened

Upped reps on my 5/3/1 deload cuz it was stupid light, hit 15/10/10
Only did 4 of my 5x10 Bench had to drop the weight had no strength or energy

Lat pull downs 5x10
Nice squeeze and burn

Might do some liss rowing
102kg this morning
102.6kg this morning......

Not good, hopefully abit of recomp maybe and the fact I moved the scales

Kcals going down and cardio going up
Couple cardarine this morning with 10,000 iu vit D & fish oil
Nice bit of cancer in the morning
The 10+ years of smoking heavily as a teenager, or the injecting random substance from a strangers bathtub on the Internet hasn't harmed me so a tiny risk from rats having 100x the dose for years possibly causing cancer isn't a huge worry :thumb:
30? Mins HIIT

Deadlift deload
78kg clean
Squats from 78kg down to bar bout 10 reps or so
Taking it easy but still getting the basic done
No training today under the weather
Feeling majorly tired this week dunno if its from reduced cals cardarine or just cba with a deload or what
Spose it's good it's a deload week cardio hasn't happened as much as I'd of liked

In good news tho I must of shit out about 15kg
Think I've got the corona
Daughters positive and we've got similar symptoms just she has a temp

Down about 3kg from Tuesday
Still ill but managed to eat abit
100kg so 2kg down since the 8th
No training since last Tuesday
Yyeeeaaaahhhhhhg back in the gymmmm
With the hodgee twinnzzzz

Just abit of stretching with bands
Couple pull ups
Quick light easy superset of dumbbell bench shoulder press shrugs Curls

And a few rounds kn the battle rope

Still not 100% but