Much delayed and elongated DOMS?

Hi All,

It appears, since a couple of months, DOMS is delayed for me. The soreness onsets 2 days later stays for 3 more days after that. Legs specially. Earlier it was not like that. Just some soreness on the subsequent day and it is gone.

I am aging, now 45. But I am lifting quite well. Gaining strength, only the onset of the soreness of delayed.

My supplementation with creatine, whey, EAA, Glutamine are the same as they were previously. Same diet.

Is this because I am getting old? Or, unknowingly, I am missing something here?

Please provide some insights if you can.
As you're gaining strength that means you're progressing by lifting harder and heaver and you'll need to think about recovery and not just focus on lifting
You're now at the point where you need more food and possibly rest to be able to recover the way you want to otherwise you may find you strength stalls and you continue to suffer delayed recovery
Just for the record. Started with a Magnesium supplement following a friend's advice, and this as reduced the problem of extra-delayed DOMS by around 80%. Helped me a lot.