Over Head Press Vs Seated Barbell Press


Who prefers what?
Just started standing ohp again, My seated barbell press is much stronger than my overhead press which I was surprised by.
Which are you stronger on? What do you prefer.
I do my seated barbell press on a very slight Incline as opposed to fully upright I'm guessing that's why it's a stronger lift
I prefer standing but I'll arch back to use lats like you prob are on a slight incline.
Sitting on a flat bench is good but makes it a lot harder with less weight.
I avoid it mainly as it eats into my bench recovery.
From strongest to weakest: seated on bench with backrest > standing > seated on bench with no backrest > sitting on the floor
See no need for any overhead press especially if doing incline press. Doing it on a steep angled bench is similar so will it really make a huge difference in your delt development? How are your rear delts?
See no need for any overhead press especially if doing incline press. Doing it on a steep angled bench is similar so will it really make a huge difference in your delt development? How are your rear delts?

With incline press I feel zero involvement of my front delt. With overhead press I feel my delts are fully engaged so I can’t see how I could neglect shoulder pressing and just base front delt development on benching. Progress would be minimal.
Since doing mill press i get no shoulder and neck problems, u cant use as much weight but i find the load etc on delts much better, plus its hitting loads of othe muscle groups at the same time.
The lateral head is also recruited at a high percentage too doing recent research
I prefer standing but I'll arch back to use lats like you prob are on a slight incline.
Sitting on a flat bench is good but makes it a lot harder with less weight.
I avoid it mainly as it eats into my bench recovery.

Arch too much and it becomes a Bench press hahaha
Never got along with seated overhead with a bar, dumbbells or smith is sound but free bar is just a horror show.
When I do mill press I keep my core tense, squeeze my glutes and keep it strict with no arching of my back. Pretty much the same with seated. Sometimes I’ll cheat with a little push press when standing if I’ve upped the weight but I’d rather keep it strict.
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With incline press I feel zero involvement of my front delt. With overhead press I feel my delts are fully engaged so I can’t see how I could neglect shoulder pressing and just base front delt development on benching. Progress would be minimal.
If you like it..do it
Lateral raises are fine for me.
Simon if it’s for hypertrophy I think the seated smith is a better option. Don’t have to worry about control and can keep a smooth steady pace. Standing I think you start to naturally involve other body parts to assist you

OHP = Good for stabilizing a weight, uses legs and back.

Seated Press = Doesn't use the legs but puts more focus on the arms and shoulders (coz dumbells)