Personal Best Lifts

180kg bench!

lost my foot placement half way through, so lost leg drive but i powered through, as there was no way i was goin to do it again!
All lifts have went thru the roof after a bit of a plateau. Changed a few things diet wise, got my head down and got stuck right onto my 5 3 1 bastardised prog.

Just been checking my training diary from this time last year. Very happy, knew it'd been a good productive year but didn't expect what I saw. Been smart this year with supplements, cycling creatine with daa, adding eaa and making my own w/o drink with bcaa ect.

Deadlift up from 150x2 to 212.5x1
Decline bench up from 110x5 to 130x2
Military up from 65x 5 to 85x1
Squat were on their way up but a tricky ankle injury in Oct that has healed a bit wonky has halted them until I get cut open. (IF I get cut open lol).

Body weight is up from 12.5stone to 13.7 at same or lower bf%.
Bench - 120kg
Deadlift - 200kg
Squat - 140kg

Currently working on the deads going to try a PB soon as I havn't attempted a 1 repper in around 8 months. Got 170kgx4 last week without straps so will try 180/190kg with straps next session.

Squats also, I can get 100kgx10 (ATF) But havn't tried low reps (2/3) in over a year.. that needs to be tried soon deffo, it's been a while!
PB on front squats tonight 230 x 1.

Was and probably should of gone for 240 but my pants were splitting a little with every rep and was really offputing lol.

Got vid on phone will try and upload later.
A few from last week:

Bench Press: 155kg x2 & 127.5kg x8

Deadlifts: 245kg x3

Standing Overhead Press: 95kg x5 followed by an equal PR of 100kg x2

I'll hopefully nail 100kg x3 or x4 in 2 weeks time.
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