
Years ago I used to enjoy wandering all over the puregym at 11pm looking for plates to load the bar until it's bursting then doing a single rack pull in the squat rack with about 3 inches of rom then boasting the next day about having lifted 340kg.
stopped full dead and started doing rackpulls after having back surgery, just felt very vulnerable pulling off floor, could pull mid to upper shin fine.
Think it's a good movement.
Don't usually have the time to do them. Would choose rows instead, BB, DB, Pendlay etc.

Really pisses me off when phuckbois have their little contoured belts and straps on and smash a bar (sometimes a decent one) into the supports on each rep to keep momentum. With 3 plates. :thumbdown:
Don't usually have the time to do them. Would choose rows instead, BB, DB, Pendlay etc.

Really pisses me off when phuckbois have their little contoured belts and straps on and smash a bar (sometimes a decent one) into the supports on each rep to keep momentum. With 3 plates. :thumbdown:
I’m seeing a different side to you recently Ben

Arguing with Stanly about fighting, complaining about fuck bois rack pulling 3 plates :lol:

I’m liking it tbh
I really like mid shin Rack pulls for hypertrophy. I do them 2-3 times a week

I reckon that’s what’s built my traps up over years (and shrugs)

They have improved my lockout as well

Great movement imo