Should I Increase My Trt Dose????? (2023)

Should I increase my TRT dose?

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Should I increase my TRT dose to 150mg 1x a week?

I am currently doing 120mg and 6 days after injection my test levels are 478 with 0.39 nmol/L free testosterone.

Shouldn't my testosterone trough level be above 500?

thanks for your time
Nah mate split the dose 2x per week your trough reading will be better, depending on what sort of reading you want, higher end of range?
Nah mate split the dose 2x per week your trough reading will be better, depending on what sort of reading you want, higher end of range?

Yes that would be ideal, is that what you do and recommend? Do you pin monday and friday?
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I dont do trt tbh pal, but people seem to do better spliting the dose for more stable levels on bloodwork.
Not necessarily, it's very individual.. any MG of testosterone that puts you within 500-1100 testosterone on blood work is TRT.

120 mg will put you at 10mg average of test per day. That’s optimal. If you have estrogen conversion higher then it warrants a diet or aromatise inhibitors / proviron.

Any more hormone is a cycle.
1000ng/dl is optimal - 10mg per day or 120mg e - Esther weight divided by 12. You can push the boat slightly but you’ll run into higher hematocrit or other issues. Even on optimal higher range test you may get high h and immunity issues… really anything over 150mg is certainly a cycle Per ten days. Accounting for the overlap of esther every ten or so days which require a couple week break every ten (often overlooked).
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People “utilise” exogenous testosterone at different rates though

125mg of test might put you at 900. Same dose might put me at 600

That’s the point OP is making

To say anything over 125mg every 10 days is a cycle is a massive over simplification that overlooks a lot of factors
There is certainly no one size fits all
People definitely metabolise synthetic test at different rates
The way I see it, the most optimal dose is gonna be one which keeps your level within range at its peak and trough and ALL relevant health markers are kept in range at these times
Blood levels can be kept more stable with more frequent injections but that isn't necessarily practical
I think every 4 days is a happy medium