Strength Training

Hi guys

This is my first time posting on a forum of this sorts.

My name is James and I'm 20 years old and have been working out for about a 2 years.

I am in need of some advice on a strength building training programm.

I want to be pushing my strength.

I have been trying to do some research on the issue in regards to a good training programme but I would like to see what you guys think.

I was tempted to begin a 8x3 programm, but I also see alot of people talking about a 5x5 programme

If you could give me some advice on what kind of programms you like and why then that would be great

Defo do as much reading as you can on articles etc. However if you are looking for something simple to get you started 5x5 programme is a sold starting point.
5x5 is good but I’d go down the 5/3/1 route (search for the ebook)

it’s a great, easy to understand and translate into actual work.
Is there anything specific you are looking at training for like Powerlifting, Strongman etc?

All solid suggestions above.
Is there anything specific you are looking at training for like Powerlifting, Strongman etc?

All solid suggestions above.
No nothing really mate, I started gyming very casually about 2 years ago because I was unhappy with my physical size (I was always very skinny as a teen) and found it a great way to relieve stress.

Here we have just come out of lockdown (UK Based) and thought it was a good time to look into a new plan. Again mainly looking for a strength building.
No nothing really mate, I started gyming very casually about 2 years ago because I was unhappy with my physical size (I was always very skinny as a teen) and found it a great way to relieve stress.

Here we have just come out of lockdown (UK Based) and thought it was a good time to look into a new plan. Again mainly looking for a strength building.

I’d definitely go 5/3/1 (boring but big style) for a year or two then.
5x5 do not go lower than that untill advanced. you will get injured. Look up Reg park.
did you start off with max weight 3-4 reps as a beginner ?

He’s been training a couple of years.
By that time I was on the PL platform.

lower reps isn’t about max weight. It’s about max weight WITH correct form. Without that then the rep scheme doesn’t matter a signal iota in regards to the likelihood of injury, if your forms fucked then you’re putting yourself at greater risk either way.
lower reps isn’t about max weight. It’s about max weight WITH correct form.
If it's not about max weight and it's about good Form then wby not 10 reps with good Form?
The whole idea of programmes like say 5x5 is to lift heavy Hit other muscle fibres. Therefore what you wrote makes no sence.