Strength Training

guys like Reg park used the first two sets as a warm up not max weights, this is my understanding of it. makes sense to me. so i am assuming on this 5/3/1 system it´s a 5 rep warm up with slowly increasing weight?

5/3/1 isn’t a rep scheme. It’s a training plan.

With 5/3/1 you use different weights and rep schemes based on training Max’s. The rep schemes also include AMRAPs rather than the more conventional “stop at 5” Style you see so many people doing, like if you do 6-8 reps you’re going to die!
It relies less on linear progression In a fixed rep range compared to 5x5 And offers “in my opinion” greater strength gains over a greater rep range compared to 5x5.

again. Nothing against 5x5 but it’s boring and repetitive in comparison.
you said it´s superior chief so far you, yourself have not given any reason why it´s better other than the Soviet teams used it .
The way i see it you should prove why which as you might remember was my question.
And the way I see it you just chose to ignore my comments on autoregulation and energy systems.

Also as far as I'm aware the Soviets never used 531, but the principles which underpin the plan were well researched and written about by them. Who else has studied strength training to the same extent where we could draw some comparisons?

Also worth noting 5x5 was first popularised by Bill Starr before being bastardised by Rippetoe. Bill Starr also used wave periodisation in his training and coaching. Go figure

I've largely used 531 or training based off of it's principles and managed to win my weight class in national level PL comps, take 2nd in a national level strongman comp and take a national deadlift record as well as winning some other smaller comps so it has served me well personally.
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And the way I see it you just chose to ignore my comments on autoregulation and energy systems.
no i just never saw an answer with any sustance. I have trained for years using different training principles & reps but i would say each has it´s merits depending on the time frame or goal of training that one has.
I certainly am no powerlifter & maybe do not understand the deep principles you are talking about. I have never trained in the system you mentioned i train with sub maximal weights.
so why is it called 5/3/1 ? if it´s not a rep scheme.

so you could call it say 8/8/6 as long as it´s max?
What do you think of the cube method bud?
I used it for a training cycle a few years ago and remember it being decent, particularly for my bench for some reason. Can't remember much about the structure now but I have the pdf saved somewhere
I used it for a training cycle a few years ago and remember it being decent, particularly for my bench for some reason. Can't remember much about the structure now but I have the pdf saved somewhere
You do 3 week cycles for heavy, rep and explosive for each lift. Trying it atm. Seems suited for my needs atm, and can then easily do my BBing training on top.
And not been Active on any other forums for years.
OK you just reminded me of a guy from ireland on another forum some years ago. Probably is a good system as i see guys in the gym using the same weights for months/years with no progress. Their body never changes.
OK you just reminded me of a guy from ireland on another forum some years ago. Probably is a good system as i see guys in the gym using the same weights for months/years with no progress. Their body never changes.

that’s the problem with most people. The presumption 3x10 (or whatever else) is somehow magic And sticking with the same weights and reps for years while wondering why they don’t change.
that’s the problem with most people. The presumption 3x10 (or whatever else) is somehow magic And sticking with the same weights and reps for years while wondering why they don’t change.
i sometimes wonder if we should even count reps? sounds crazy but i just rep out & i have my idea of reps in an exercise but i use also supersets & other things so sometimes reps change depending on the day. you can´t stick to say 8 reps if you use pre exhaust or supersets as an example. OK this is not strength training as you are on about but i do not believe in being a slave to reps or anything.