guys like Reg park used the first two sets as a warm up not max weights, this is my understanding of it. makes sense to me. so i am assuming on this 5/3/1 system it´s a 5 rep warm up with slowly increasing weight?
5/3/1 isn’t a rep scheme. It’s a training plan.
With 5/3/1 you use different weights and rep schemes based on training Max’s. The rep schemes also include AMRAPs rather than the more conventional “stop at 5” Style you see so many people doing, like if you do 6-8 reps you’re going to die!
It relies less on linear progression In a fixed rep range compared to 5x5 And offers “in my opinion” greater strength gains over a greater rep range compared to 5x5.
again. Nothing against 5x5 but it’s boring and repetitive in comparison.