Style of Dieting for Fat Loss: What Works for You?

I read this , thinking of trying this ? What you guys think

]Carb cycling is definitely the way to go...follow this guidline:

]Carb Cycle

[]Monday, Wednesday, and Friday [No carb days (eat all VERY lean meats like chicken breasts/tuna/turkey etc. and leafy greens...Protein[/URL] shakes should be made with water. Use skim milk on the other days days)

[]Tuesday and Saturday High carb days (150g)

[Thursday and Sunday Low carb days (50-75g)

**Do not count your leafy greens as carbs because things like Spinach and Broccoli are considered "free food" in which you should be eating on a regular**

Protien: same everyday: Body Weight x 1.2 to 1.5 (to get a high and clean Protein] intake, a ]Protein powder is NECESSARY along with an Amino Acids supplement to prevent muscle loss)

: Same everyday: 50g (albeit good fats - Essential Fatty Acids/Fatty Fish/Lean Cuts of Steak/Nuts/Seeds/Avacados etc.)

You MUST lift heavy and hard in the gym to keep the muscles you've got...concentrate on Compound Lifts (Squats/Deadlifts/Bench/Dips/Overhead Presses/Pullups/Rows). If you lift heavy enough, you will not have to do isolation exercises (i.e. curls/tris etc) because the compound lifts will recruit enough muscle fibers to set the foundation starting out. After a couple months it would be ok to supplement in some isos. On the High Carb days, coordinate it with lifting your weakest body part (my guess is your legs) as you will be highly anabolic.
Do cardio 2-3 times per week on any carb day, it won't matter until you get into single digit body fat where it tends to get stubborn.

Remember: LIFT HARD AND HEAVY AS HELL IN THE GYM and you CANNOT fail with this]

This looks interesting,

Posted using TMuscle App
Where did you read it? The high carb day seems low to me.

Posted using TMuscle App
I read this , thinking of trying this ? What you guys think

]Carb cycling is definitely the way to go...follow this guidline:

]Carb Cycle

[]Monday, Wednesday, and Friday [No carb days (eat all VERY lean meats like chicken breasts/tuna/turkey etc. and leafy greens...Protein[/URL] shakes should be made with water. Use skim milk on the other days days)

[]Tuesday and Saturday High carb days (150g)

[Thursday and Sunday Low carb days (50-75g)

**Do not count your leafy greens as carbs because things like Spinach and Broccoli are considered "free food" in which you should be eating on a regular**

Protien: same everyday: Body Weight x 1.2 to 1.5 (to get a high and clean Protein] intake, a ]Protein powder is NECESSARY along with an Amino Acids supplement to prevent muscle loss)

: Same everyday: 50g (albeit good fats - Essential Fatty Acids/Fatty Fish/Lean Cuts of Steak/Nuts/Seeds/Avacados etc.)

You MUST lift heavy and hard in the gym to keep the muscles you've got...concentrate on Compound Lifts (Squats/Deadlifts/Bench/Dips/Overhead Presses/Pullups/Rows). If you lift heavy enough, you will not have to do isolation exercises (i.e. curls/tris etc) because the compound lifts will recruit enough muscle fibers to set the foundation starting out. After a couple months it would be ok to supplement in some isos. On the High Carb days, coordinate it with lifting your weakest body part (my guess is your legs) as you will be highly anabolic.
Do cardio 2-3 times per week on any carb day, it won't matter until you get into single digit body fat where it tends to get stubborn.

Remember: LIFT HARD AND HEAVY AS HELL IN THE GYM and you CANNOT fail with this]

This looks interesting,

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A lot of variables there. Recommending on carbs, protein and training style. I'm sure it would do the trick for most people if consistent but haven't tried myself so can't really comment on whether it would be better than other diets/training styles.

I'm sure someone who has tried out carb cycling will comment.
A lot of variables there. Recommending on carbs, protein and training style. I'm sure it would do the trick for most people if consistent but haven't tried myself so can't really comment on whether it would be better than other diets/training styles.

I'm sure someone who has tried out carb cycling will comment.

Is there any diets you recommend .
The downside to this one is on no carb day I'll have no energy to train .

As I'm 15% coming to end of my bulk I guess this carb cycling method is used when you get into single digits bf??

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U can switch the cycling of carbs to days that suit, high day on leg day for example.

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Is there any diets you recommend .
The downside to this one is on no carb day I'll have no energy to train .

As I'm 15% coming to end of my bulk I guess this carb cycling method is used when you get into single digits bf??

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There have been a lot of debates recently about how useful carbs are and there were a lot of differing opinions. If you want an interesting read then here it is but be warned, over 500 replies and in BBC Horizon style I'm not sure you will feel like you've got an absolute answer at the end!

I haven't experimented with every diet out there but all I'd say is that your consistency is far, far more important than constructing the 'perfect' plan. Ultimately if you want to lose fat you can do low calories, low carb or low fat and all will work. My personal preference is low carb and I have proof this works for me but your mileage may vary and I've no doubt that if I had wanted to I could have lost fat with a low fat approach.

If you're concerned about performance around workouts then why not simply have carbs an hour beforehand and not the rest of the time? Maybe there are some benefits from mixing around the gram amounts and the times of the day etc etc but what are we talking really, a few percent advantage over keeping it simple? Just my opinion though.
Doed eney one knows how to get the macros on 5'11 177LB GUY for best results to get cutt.

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every morning get up shove sum pearl barley, lentils, split peas, not a lot as it swells up, some frozen casserole veg 4 chicken breasts, litre of water roughly, 2 stock cubes in slow cooker 2-3hrs later thats my meals for whole day, low carbs, good carbs, cheap and convenient
keep a food diary , aim for 1.5 grms of protien per pound of body weight split your meals eat every three hours, use a online food calculater to figure out your macros , then adjust your carb and fat levels accordingly ,
Posted this in my training log but definitely interested in the thoughts of you guys:

I undoubtedly could use some advice from you guys on carbohydrate intake. I used to have 200g a day split into two meals, the pre-workout and post-workout. This worked beautifully. I then did my first show in 2011 and things just went awry, as my post-contest rebound was horrible, eating like a madman, becoming bloated, waist shooting up from the the contest 34" to 41" (which it is still at as I am having major difficulty shifting it).

My contest performance in 2012 was beyond forgettable as a result too.

So yeah my only real issue now is condition of course and I am blaming it all on my inability to devise an appropriate carbohydrate intake system that can limit fat gain whilst maximising muscle gain (which I used to experience before when on the 200g a day, pre + post only strategy).

Current nutritional regimen:


As an additional point, just to provide my experience of what worked well for me in the past regarding fat loss, all I can really say is the above (200g a day, pre and post only in the off season) and regarding contest prep, I lost fat pretty fast by dropping daily carbs by 10g a day per week across the 24 weeks I was contest dieting and simultaneously tripling my cardio (off season cardio is 21 minutes after every weights session) but in contest prep I jog 20 minutes in the morning on an empty stomach and do 45 minutes cardio after each weights session. Just my experiences though! Anyone experienced something similar?

21 minutes for cardio off season is very precise. I couldn't be doing that but then I'm a weirdo as having the radio volume on 11 annoys me :laugh: