Couple of photos of my cousins cats she's a singleton also
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I resent the assumption that I am single simply because I have cats!!!!
Posted using TMuscle App
Couple of photos of my cousins cats she's a singleton also
View attachment 28875View attachment 28876View attachment 28877
I resent the assumption that I am single simply because I have cats!!!!
Posted using TMuscle App
Apparently glutamine is good for it but stretching and foam rollering will help. Cardio usually eases doms for me cos the blood flow helps repair and recovery.
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Cardio isn't doing bugger all! Everything I have read about foam rollering makes it sound more like a medieval form of torture rather than anything helpful lol
I got a pull up bar for my door the other day, wanted to practice so I could eventually do unassisted. Nearly tore my lats off after using a step ladder and trying to lower myself!![]()
Sers if u use that bar and it springs out the frame I will piss myself laughing......
Foam rolling is unpleasant ish but v v good. Like having a sports massage byt for free. I dont use the spikey rumble rollers tho. I did some this morning and my hams feel SO much better already!!
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I'll look into getting rollers, could you recommend a place to get them please? x
There u go! 7.99 free delivery. I have the pink one ha ha
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If I give a dog a bone, I dont wanna know if it tastes good or not. You stop me again when im walkin and ill cut your fuckin jacobs off!!!!
I heart bricktop.....
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