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Tren advise


Full Member

I’ve been on a cycle of test, mast and tren

I’ve heard people mention the sides that can happen with tren

Last few weeks I’ve had back pains all on the right hand side

Lack of sleep and constantly tired and have no get up and go in me

Blood pressure is high

Could this be because of tren

Could be. Could be any of the 3. Could be dehydration and a number of other things including age, weight, diet etc etc. Hard to know without a blood test or removing things 1 by 1 and monitoring and if you’re up there in age you may not want to play the longer game and instead pull everything back.
I really think it depends on how much you are taking. I'm assuming this is some sort of cutting mix. Me personally on 100/100/100 test/mast/tren lack of sleep was a problem but I just had a constant go in me not a lack of go. I was also on t3 at the time too.

Low E could be a problem as mast does work indirectly as an AI. This is kinda the downfall of mixes like such say you wanna get your E up welp tough luck cus you move one compound up you are moving them all up.

If you do have a separate bottle of just straight test on hand I'd add just a bit on top of what you are taking see if you get a bit more energy. Or if you are already taking a ton move that dose down a tad and up the test a tad. Cus anytime I've been low E. Go into a cruising phase. Etc first thing that happens for me is low energy and sleepy all the time.