Virtual Reality


Just read this:

Quite an awakening and maybe even frightening bit of reading when you consider the impllications!

Alright, so as we all know, it is money that makes the world turn - so a good chance in the social media setting, it might only get taken up by industries who can profit by investing in it heavily; I'm thinking online casinos and such.

But then, a lot of technologies that were like that in the past, are mainstream now, so who knows?

My excitement is for the use of it in computer games, but really, when I thought about it, how cool would it be to sit around that camp fire with friends we don't or can't get the chance to see in real life individually - or even more difficult - a group at once. I've got pals I grew up with that are now scattered to the four winds... how cool would it be to get together in a group chat with a 3d headset on and just shoot shit in a familiar location? The location is the key - if they could make an interface where each user could create an environment fairly simply - and it is coming with some of the commercially available game engines for example.

Theres an area of land where me and some mates from 30 odd years ago would go to get away from everyone, to hang out - try and maybe snare the odd rabbit (usually, with completely unsuccesful results) or perhaps camp out overnight in a self built shelter - a tiny bit of wilderness. Imagine a place like that personal to you, and the ability to fairly faithfully recreate it - and then invite your pals in via facebook, in entirely 3d immersive. Man wouldn't that be something? That level of integration might be outside my lifespan right enough... but again you can't bank on it - I grew up watching star trek with medical scanners, personal communicators, personal touch screen information devices and so on, and believing it wasn't possible - we have most of it now!

@doink could use a system like that for group sex with ladyboys, with zero risk of getting the bad AIDS :lol:

Seriously though, what do you think of this technology? Implications? Would you use it - or actively abstain?