Which powerlifting exercise is your favourite to perform?

Which powerlifting exercise is your favourite to perform?

  • Squats

  • Bench press

  • Deadlifts

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Feel free to comment your max lifts on any of the exercises, or the reasons behind your choice.
Up until my bicep rolled up my arm it was deadlift. I’ve tripled 280 x 5 on a trt dose and was hoping to pull 320+ after programming and increasing doseages but the injury blew that 15 weeks out. I can’t grip the bar right now so I don’t push it anymore.

Squat was 280 and bench 170. Probably could’ve got a 300 squat if I’d really focused on it for a few months.
i used to like squats the most with deads a close 2nd
None of them
I train for bodybuilding only and have never focused on any power lifting or strength movements
The closest I do now is a Smith squat or rdl/sldl
I like deadlifts because it works your core muscles which support the lumbar spine (belts take some of this load off), and it helps train legs.

I really enjoy compound movements since it trains multiple muscles and their coordination together.
I used to love the bench before my elbows let me down, won a couple of bench only meets as a natty back in the day

Now it would have to be deadlift. I enjoy high rep sets for muscle building like 8 x 8 on 200kg or I’ll sometimes pull up to a Max effort single (324kg)

Pretty rare I pull a true max effort now I’m older though