Urologist- Trt?


Active Member
Anyone else that can help please?

Hi All,

Further to my last post, I've now seen the urologist. He gave me a blood test, ultrasound and a prostate exam which I was not expecting! Stated that my bladder was holding some urine so not emptying fully.
Had the ultrasound and he said it's fine and you have emptied fully,
Prostate exam showed as a little enlarged but smooth and nothing to worry about.

Anyway I have an appointment soon him again.
I asked if the tests woukd include certain areas I.e. t3 ad t4 etc... he said they wouldn't do that... asked about a few other areas, Cortisol and estrogen etc and he said don't need to for now...
The areas to be tested are as below:

U&E with Creatnine

I've had my shbg tested previously and tests as shown before, but was a little confused why he wouldn't test for as much as poss right now?

I'm due to see a respiratory consultant soon as well for a CT scan as what they thought was asthma/copd has finally turned out to be neither after waiting for a test for 2 years, doc said showing a restrictive pattern and that's it, so shouldn't have been taking inhalers really, hopefully get to the bottom of that too soon .

Anyway back to urologist, he started (if I needed it after blood test results come in), going on about gels and cream and I said not interested in any of them... and then he disclosed to me that injections were better (which I already knew from the feedback and content ive read on here).

I asked if it would be test e or sustanon or what and how often?

Surprisingly, he said it would be most likely test undecanoate, but then said and an injection every three months, which I believe should be every 2 months?

Should I ask for a loading period here?
More frequent injections?
Should I be asking how if he's going to check if it's secondary hypogonadism? And if the pituary is firing/sending messages to the testes or is that what lh and fsh will check?
Any other additional questions?
Should I be asking to take something for control of estrogen?

Im not that fond of needles, so every 3 months sounds ok and it will be on the NHS but im just worried as heard Nebido/test undecanoate not that good and not good to have so infrequently, plus should i be running anything alongside it?

Please let me know lads and thanks?