Yo bros... Long time no see


Full Member
Yo bros ...

Look, I dunno how to say this so I won't, I'll describe it.

I respect you all, I don't deserve your respect at all, I don't deserve your words nor your time... I feel this when you don't post in my thread, I'm nothing, a mere memory - if that.

I have a problem... You know I'm a father, you know I find it hard at times - i love my child with everything within me, thats not the problem and never will be... ... What do I say? ... (Describe it G).

On a parental level, father to father, I ask you - How do you identify a groomer?

I know this is heavy and believe me iv been threw the ringer with it rattle my mind, what's the line between being a 'friendly old man' to being 'a groomer lusting' ...

Like I said it's hard on me... Hard to say, hard or disgusting to think about... I have no proof other than how he acts and what he says/talks about/ gets excited about...

It's not clean cut like this, he groomed his way in like a disease.... Wtf do I do... I tried raising issue with the mother but as she's being groomed she don't see it... She won't accept it.

Anyway bros... If you feel you can help or give me words of wisdom I'll really appreciate it coz I'm lost.

Either way it swings I wanna say: "Thanks for the Memories my Gs, you hero's, legends, I think about every one of you every f**king day, I miss you all, i love you all"

As vet would say.... "Thanks in advance "