Untested powerlifting comps

Does anybody know of any untested powerlifting meets anywhere?
Your best bet is to check out the British Powerlifting Organisation or British Powerlifting Congress....



They'll have the meets listed on there.  Unfortunately most powerlifting competitions require you to become a member of a particular federation in order to compete and can be quite strict on rules in regards to what other federations you compete in. 

As far as I know, they're the only 2 federations in the UK which are un-tested.

The main difference between the two is that one is single ply (BPO) and the other is multi ply (BPC).  You can of course do them raw without all the equipment (bench shirts, squats suits...etc.) but there is no "raw" division in either federation which sucks.

Also, bare in mind the membership cost can be quite expensive (