To Dead Or Not To Dead?

Don’t see how you can have a big back without doing deadlifts at least along the way to having size

Especially for us average fuckers

I think if your a naturally big guy,200lbs at 18 years old kind of size then you can probably row your way to a big back

If your like me 160lbs at 18 years old you need to deadlift

I’m now 170lbs at 38 years old. Need I say more

completely disagree
cant deny a lot of guy with big backs deadlift and Con for instance always put his back development down to DLing
i just dont see its necessary at all like squats and legs.
hams glutes erectors etc more than lats surely.
There's plenty of lads with half decent deadlifts and shit backs though
I think myself it´s more effective to do Barbell rows for lats,lower back. Or hammer strength rows. do that with shrugs for traps..what i am saying is better to train what you want to train as directly as you can. Deadlifts are great don´t get me wrong.

Not being a cunt, just an example of a big strong lad with a decent pull and it's never built a good back has it.

All down to activation and form isn't it. You have to lift the weight in the fashion befitting of your goal.

His aim was to move it from a to b which he did. Building a big back is a different ball game ain't it.

1 rep maxes ain’t building shit blood
Sumo cheaters.
Thing is what are you trying to train? everything? or is there a direct purpose to Deadlifts? sure if a powerlifter how much you can lift of the floor but not important as a direct exercise. much better exercises out there for a bodybuilder or anyone into building a good physique. if doing a basic workout say an Abbreviated style workout with a few lifts ..sure do it.