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  • Mr mac
    Mr mac reacted to huntingground's post in the thread Alright all with Like Like.
    Welcome back @Mr mac
  • Simon90
    Simon90 reacted to Mr mac's post in the thread New year with Like Like.
    Delts have really come in
  • Mr mac
    Mr mac replied to the thread New year.
    Delts have really come in
  • Mr mac
    Mr mac reacted to Simon90's post in the thread New year with Like Like.
    28 days on a PSMF diet, no fat loss drugs.
  • Simon90
    Rubbish. Better off making your own. Get a decent whey isolate, ground oats or rice flour, and add some extra virgin olive oil, coconut...
  • K
    What's your thought on this protein powder marks and capital forms since I'm interested in having it but I've had a lot of issues in the...
    • Screenshot_20241206-200303.png
  • Simon90
    Simon90 replied to the thread New year.
    28 days on a PSMF diet, no fat loss drugs.
    • IMG-20241118-WA0000.jpg
  • Simon90
    Simon90 replied to the thread New year.
    Why wait til new year and not just start now. I could lose a massive amount of fat in 4 weeks with psmf and no drugs. In fact I've not...
  • MancDavy
    Hi guys, So been off gear for a year was blasting and cruising the year before that got my bloods back to normal with pct everything...
  • Simon90
    Simon90 replied to the thread Alright all.
    It's dead now unfortunately
  • Matty
    Matty replied to the thread Alright all.
    Hello, mate! I've been popping back in recently for a bit of motivation as starting the journey again after a few years of very little...
  • E
    I try to do crunches with the help of Bamboo, squats, and certain belly-reducing exercises like doing side by side doing situps and lots...
  • Mr mac
    Mr mac replied to the thread Alright all.
    It’s a shame they’ve all gone the same way really. Although after a few t years there’s only so many questions and discussions on gear...
  • Simon90
    Simon90 replied to the thread Alright all.
    Not many!
  • Mr mac
    Mr mac posted the thread Alright all in General Chat.
    Been off here for quite a while partly due to lost log in. Just wondered who’s still about.