Rate Your Looks

PMSL, 99% of birds on my facebook are solid 10's on there pictures, see them in real life n they look like a bulldog chewing a wasp, surely people just post the best ever pic of them selves with 25 instagram filters on?

I always look better IRL, thought that was a bad thing until I see wimmenz selfies on FB. Those bishes must have studied photography and be photoshop masters to look as good as they do......ugly cunts looking better than me online:no:
I'm the least photogenic Kent on the face of the earth.

If a camera is pointed at me I instantly turn into Boris Yeltsin.

For birds it's all in the head tilt. Tilt your forehead slightly towards the camera and never stand face on

I'll try to remember that, I have been photographed maybe 8 times in 5 years.......can't stand it......even though I'm gorgeous :cool:

I get Frog's theme for being a hero.

I'll try to remember that, I have been photographed maybe 8 times in 5 years.......can't stand it......even though I'm gorgeous :cool:

I get Frog's theme for being a hero.

That's frog from Chrono Trigger? One of my favourite games.
And your username is the main character from Final Fantasy 3 (US) 6 (Japan).
What just facially? Probably a 5 or so. Big ears and balding head doesn't help!
It always amuses me that if I go to a mall I will get hit on every 5 minutes by different women due to the muscles.
Thing is they are ALWAYS African American never white women.
I am not most white womens cup of tea it would seem lol.
Personally I feel I hit every branch when I fell out of the ugly tree.
if the amount of tinder matches ave got is anything to go by, a good 8 out of 10 at least...