Diet Monday To Friday


I used to bodybuild back in my early 20s and got to a respectable size. Now 41 and been back into it since September. Been doing FB 3x per week and now moving to an upper lower 4 days a week as finding the volume on FB is leaving me exhausted.

Not looking to compete or anything like that just looking to put on some mass. Have my diet worked out and following it easily enough. Seems to be working, however with the FB my last day working out was a Thursday so had the Friday of full nutrition then took the weekend off. Wasn’t going wild eating lots just didn’t follow the diet. Now I plan on doing my second lower day on the Friday and was wondering would I lose much gain by still not following the full diet over the weekend and just making sure I hit my protein goal on the Saturday?

Thanks in advance for any advice

I used to bodybuild back in my early 20s and got to a respectable size. Now 41 and been back into it since September. Been doing FB 3x per week and now moving to an upper lower 4 days a week as finding the volume on FB is leaving me exhausted.

Not looking to compete or anything like that just looking to put on some mass. Have my diet worked out and following it easily enough. Seems to be working, however with the FB my last day working out was a Thursday so had the Friday of full nutrition then took the weekend off. Wasn’t going wild eating lots just didn’t follow the diet. Now I plan on doing my second lower day on the Friday and was wondering would I lose much gain by still not following the full diet over the weekend and just making sure I hit my protein goal on the Saturday?

Thanks in advance for any advice
Hit your protein everything else should be near enough
Why do you want to do it that way? Is it for appetite reasons or just to have more freedom with your food choices?

If you want to be putting on size you need to be in a surplus for the whole week. Every week.
How big is your surplus Monday to Friday? And then what calories are you hitting on the weekend?
If your only hitting your protein goal for those two days, depending on how many cals you are on it could be enough to put you down to maintenance or a defecit which is obviously going against your goals.

If it's appetite reasons, look into carb cycling. Have high, medium, low days. And have your low days on the weekend. That way your still in a surplus for the whole week whilst not having to put away as much food on the weekend.
If you've got weak legs for example and your not in too bad condition you could do something like this
Monday- upper A (medium)
Tuesday- lower A (high)
Wednesday-Off (medium)
Thursday- upper B (medium)
Friday- lower B (high)
Weekend-off (low days)

You'd obviously have to change your Fats around etc on the different days

daily surplus is 300 calories through the week.

the reason for the weekend being less calories is my day is much less structured so for instance I tend to get up later so miss breakfast. Might be out hiking with the Mrs and the pooch so miss my midday etc etc

I work from home Monday to Friday so my meal timings etc are all set in stone.
Actually the weekend isn’t necessarily less calories but just not as structured as through the week so definitely more likely to miss meals

daily surplus is 300 calories through the week.

the reason for the weekend being less calories is my day is much less structured so for instance I tend to get up later so miss breakfast. Might be out hiking with the Mrs and the pooch so miss my midday etc etc

I work from home Monday to Friday so my meal timings etc are all set in stone.

Take stuff with you on your hike to hit macro goals. Not rocket science!

I used to bodybuild back in my early 20s and got to a respectable size. Now 41 and been back into it since September. Been doing FB 3x per week and now moving to an upper lower 4 days a week as finding the volume on FB is leaving me exhausted.

Not looking to compete or anything like that just looking to put on some mass. Have my diet worked out and following it easily enough. Seems to be working, however with the FB my last day working out was a Thursday so had the Friday of full nutrition then took the weekend off. Wasn’t going wild eating lots just didn’t follow the diet. Now I plan on doing my second lower day on the Friday and was wondering would I lose much gain by still not following the full diet over the weekend and just making sure I hit my protein goal on the Saturday?

Thanks in advance for any advice
As mentioned
Its fine as long as you're in a weekly surplus
If your progress slows down and you still want to keep the same way of doing things
Then increase your calories through the week when you've got more time and structure
It makes sense to have higher calories and carbs on training days
I get why you’re asking but it’s kind of self explanatory to be honest.

if you know you’re weekends might be abit hectic you have the whole week to plan for it if you’re serious about your diet (you can make meals in advanced)

or if you’re not that arsed just do your diet Monday to Friday - let sat and Sunday go out the window and see what happens.

If after a couple of months you see zero progress, start getting more serious with your diet and make sure Saturday and Sundays become a priority like the rest of the week
Take stuff with you on your hike to hit macro goals. Not rocket science!
I couldn't go on a hike and not take food with me
Even if its some protein flapjacks
But its easy to blend a high calorie shake and take in a shaker
I don’t have a set diet any day of the week, it’s not a necessity

But it is easier to know where you stand if u have one

5 out of 7 isn’t bad going as long as your making progress

If you stop making progress at any time changes need to be made, that might be eating more on those 5 days or making more of an effort diet wise on the other two

Just try it and just be ready to make adjustments
I don’t have a set diet any day of the week, it’s not a necessity

But it is easier to know where you stand if u have one

5 out of 7 isn’t bad going as long as your making progress

If you stop making progress at any time changes need to be made, that might be eating more on those 5 days or making more of an effort diet wise on the other two

Just try it and just be ready to make adjustments
Thats a good point mate
A diet doesn't need to be too rigid to make progress
In fact, most people are far more likely to stick to something with more flexibility
As long as you're monitoring progress and know where to adjust
Just out of interest how high is the volume on upper lower in comparison to your full body?
if your dietimg then two days off is to much in my opion
if not then just hit your values and eat round that at weekends
your body dosent know what day it is sat sun are just another day and being consistant is needed for constant progress