Diet question. How many calories are needed?

Hi all im new here and after some advice hopefully and see we’re I’m going wrong and how to correct it
I’m currently 118kg and 6ft 2in and around 33%bmi.
Im looking to drop some weight and also lower my bmi, my current diet is as follows:
6.30 protein shake
11 3 whole eggs
13.00 chicken salad with red onion, spring onion, red chilli
16.00 chicken salad with red onion, spring onion, red chilli follows by a protein shake
18.30-1900 evening meal from gusto, partner insists we eat together

I also try to drink around 3l of water each day which can be difficult

I try to train Wednesday to Sunday which consist of weight training and HIIT. try to fit around 30 mins on the exercise bike too

The problem I’m having is I’m constantly active in the day with work and finding come 1 clock in the afternoon I’m tired and got lack of energy and I’m looking to find a way to overcome this whilist not going on my allowed calorie intake

I’ve got 13 weeks to get myself into shape for my holiday with my partner and friends and would like to feel more body confident

Any help is greatly appreciated
Thank you