How Hard Should I Push Kcal?

Ironman TS

Full Member
After a long break from training abc essentially becoming a fat bastard I’ve spent the majority of this year in deficit and managed to drop from 21 stone in Jan to 15 stone by June.

I’ve been conservatively bulking since and now sit just over 16 stone at sub 15% body fat.

I’ve got 5 weeks left of a TTM cycle (200/300/300) and I’m keen to max out gains during this period before hitting aBother conservative cut for a while.

Question is how hard should I push my intake and macros? I’m happy to put on a bit of fat as find it easy to diet down once I’m focused on that. I have a huge appetite at the moment and can easily tuck away 7000kcal.

I’ve got maintenance pegged around the 3300kcal mark and I do around 500kcal LISS cardio a day which I won’t be changing.

How hard shall I push it for 5 weeks?
From my personal experience is to not. I’ve pushed cals very high before 1000-1500 surplus and all it did was make me fat Much faster. Even when cycling for 100smiles a week I was having Massive amounts of calories and just made me put a lot of bf on even with all tbh at cardio
Your on tren so could be a different story, I see people say they struggle to out eat tren but I always thought that was down to impaired digestion so no matter how much extra they ate anyway It wouldn’t be digested properly so wouldn’t be putting on weight anyway. Could be wrong(probably am :D)
Your maintance cals are the same as mine but your heavier are you not very active? They seem very low for your weight
At 16stone my maintenance was just short of 4000
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If you’ve been very fat in the past I’d say just go for a 500 cal a day surplus mate

Give it a month and adjust cals going off results the previous month
:innocent:From my personal experience is to not. I’ve pushed cals very high before 1000-1500 surplus and all it did was make me fat Much faster. Even when cycling for 100smiles a week I was having Massive amounts of calories and just made me put a lot of bf on even with all tbh at cardio
Your on tren so could be a different story, I see people say they struggle to out eat tren but I always thought that was down to impaired digestion so no matter how much extra they ate anyway It wouldn’t be digested properly so wouldn’t be putting on weight anyway. Could be wrong(probably am :D)
Your maintance cals are the same as mine but your heavier are you not very active? They seem very low for your weight
At 16stone my maintenance was just short of 4000
Fuck me I can out eat any drug. If I ate what I wanted I’d be 400lbs
From my personal experience is to not. I’ve pushed cals very high before 1000-1500 surplus and all it did was make me fat Much faster. Even when cycling for 100smiles a week I was having Massive amounts of calories and just made me put a lot of bf on even with all tbh at cardio
Your on tren so could be a different story, I see people say they struggle to out eat tren but I always thought that was down to impaired digestion so no matter how much extra they ate anyway It wouldn’t be digested properly so wouldn’t be putting on weight anyway. Could be wrong(probably am :D)
Your maintance cals are the same as mine but your heavier are you not very active? They seem very low for your weight
At 16stone my maintenance was just short of 4000

Could be higher mate - really no landed on a consistent maintenance intake having spent so long in deficit and switching drugs in and out it’s not easy getting a handle what’s genuine weight gain and what’s water, etc...

What I do know is that I’ve been eating between 5000kcal and 7000kcal for past few weeks and I’m noticeably fuller looking albeit more bloated. I’m the sort of person who can easily put weight on and just as easily diet. At 16 stone this is the lightest I’ve been in 20+ years having spent most of that time between 19 and 20 stone at only 6ft.
Focus on improving body composition with a small surplus and let the ttm and training dort the test. If you want to increase food you will only end up adding fat; your choice but it's not a rational or productive approach. If you are greedy like me the struggle can be real!
Focus on improving body composition with a small surplus and let the ttm and training dort the test. If you want to increase food you will only end up adding fat; your choice but it's not a rational or productive approach. If you are greedy like me the struggle can be real!

Thanks mate.

I’m considering 4000kcal, clean as realistically possible and macros 45% carbs, 35% protein and 20% fat. Might increase by 10% on training days and reduce by 10% on non training days.

I think I have the propensity to pile on a fair amount of weight from overeating even over a 5 week period and being realistic there only so much lean tissue you can add in that period so best to continue focusing on body comp but in a surplus as you guys have suggested.
I used to go 1100 surplus when peaking for strength. Yeah got fatter but was noticeably stronger than smaller surpluses.

Nowadays I'd not go higher than about 750. When I bulk+blast I'll accept some fat gains to make sure I'm 100% ing LBM gains. I find it that hard to gain these days that i used a sledgehammer approach
Tren ain’t got shit on me I can out eat that fucker no problem ha ha
500-700kcal max over baseline.
Make sure you’re not over calculating.