Journey To Re-build My Strength.

Weighed myself yesterday after a night of beer, and down to 286 lbs.
Going to split my weights and cardio session up from now, hopefully will make it easier to recover from
Had a couple of weeks off the gym, I started my new job so wanted to focus on that for a bit, but it's about time I got back to it.

Sumo deadlift
Up to a comfortable 240kg with hook grip
Deficit stiff leg deadlift
140kg x 3 x3

Flat bench
Up to a comfortable paused 150kg

Close grip bench press
100kg x 3
100kg x 3
100kg x 5 x 5 but did a amrap on last set and got 15

Dumbbell bicep curls superset with triceps pushdowns x 3 sets.

Diet has been pretty clean and down to 283 lbs last night.
Training had been a bit shit recently have missed loads of sessions, but back to it now.
Decided to start stronglifts 5x5
140kg x 5 x 5
150kg x easy paused single
100kg x 5 x 5 (bodybuilding style)
Bent over barbell rows
100kg x 5 x 5
Then did 5 sets of chin ups and some kettlebell curls.

190kg x easy single in soft belt (olympic style squat)
142.5kg x 5 x 5 (high bar olympic squats)
Overhead press
Just did a bit of a tester as I havnt done much overhead work for a while.
60kg x 5
62.5kg x 5
65kg x 5
67.5kg x 5
70kg x 5
Conventional beltless deadlift
180kg x 5 x 5
Then finished with some dumbbell curls.

Legs have been killing me since and got squats again this week.