Supertraining (4th Ed) by Mel Siff and Yuri Verkhoshansky


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The shock method * The development of adaptation process during the long term sport activity * The "compensatory adaptation" * Current Adaptive Reserve of the human organism * The strategy to manage the adaptation in the training process * The specificity of protein synthesis in the adaptation process * The structural reconstructions during the adaptation process and the phenomenon of Supercompensation * Heterochronism of adaptive reconstructions * The function efficiency in a high - adapted organism * The optimal regime of adaptation * The phenomenon of immune defence decrease * The general schema of adaptation process during the sport activity * The practical aspects of the Adaptation Theory * The future developments of the use of Adaptation Theory in sport This book is a must have for any athlete or coach. Every topic is covered in almost 600 pages. * Strength and the muscular system * Philosophy of physical training * The muscle complex * Adaptation and the training effect * Sport specific strength training * Factors influencing strength production * The means of special strength training * The methods of special strength training * Organization of training * Strength training methods * Designing sports specific strength programs * Restoration and stress management * Combination of resistance methods * The use of testing * Overtraining * PNF as a training system * Models for structuring the annual training * Preparedness and the training load * Periodisation as a form of organization * Plyometric --This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition.