What da fck is going onnn?!?

If the rest of his physique can match his legs he would be the freak to end all freaks.

I'd imagine he could not train legs for the rest of his life and still have quads that would dwarf mine - bastard

Big ramy looking.. well.. big
Kudos for the size but there is no balance or symmetry whatsoever.

get the feeling he's the sort of guy who trains the muscles he likes and neglects his weaknesses, as many of us do!
Holyfcuking jesus.
That is insane.
His back spread is so odd.
Hate massive lean glutes. They look so weird.
Looks like his posing lets him down massively.  Bet he'd look better proportioned if he was better at posing.

No one bringing the wow-factor here but kai and ramy. 

Phil, branch just look ok.. dex and vic look better imo