Your back day....

3 sets chins till failure - overhand, wide grip

6 sets BOR - 2 warm up

6 sets Rack DL - 2 warm up

3 sets lat pull down

3 sets UH pull down

3 sets close grip pull up till failure

Looks a lot but there's a mix of high rep/heavy lower rep so while it's knackering I tend to recover easily enough, training a 5 day split ATM with no regular off day so plenty of recovery time, plus the last 2 are a bit more arm involvement so they take some of the brunt there.

Either Hammer rows, V bar rows, chins

Or Chins, LPDs, Rows

Some quick face pulls ATM

Some quick shrugs
Chins ,rows and deads seem to make alot of bread & butter which is great.

Traps hit on some guys back day too ,can see the reasoning here as they are a back muscle group .

RTG I though I hit the volume sometimes ,yours looks nuts ,love it though.
Meadows Row 2x8-10

Rack Chins 2x8-10 plus partials/drops

Chest Supported Row 2x8-10 plus partials

Facepulls s/s Chins 3 x10

18" Deads 2x6

add in lat stretchers when in volume phase. Volume phase would be 18-20working sets. Low Vol would be 10-12 sets. as above.
BOR - 3 x warmup - 1 rest paused set until reps are reached

closegrip pulldowns - 1 heavy set, 1 light set

deads 2 x warmup - set of 15/12/8/6

seated closegrip rows - 3 x 20
bent over rows

wide grip pull downs

single arm rows

wide grip pull ups

1 - 2 working sets of each, 4 sets pull ups at end - bout a 25 min wo

I do deads, t bar rows and shrugs on other days
bo rows with bar 6 sets

wg pull down 5 sets

incline bench db rows 4 sets(hits my traps a bit before shruggs)

db single arm row on flat bench 3 sets

shruggs 5-6 sets

evry 10 days ido deadlift and deadlift only sometimes up to 8 sets ,practicing slow form as my work involves picking heavy materials from the floor so have to be careful , i find keeping it 10 days apart gives me better recovery time for heavier lifts