How Much Sleep Can You Function Well On?

At least 8hrs quality sleep during working week. 10 hrs on the weekend.

In my own bed, star fished.

Dat perfect single lyf
Fawking love my kip. Stay up till 1 am sleep till 11
Years of working ridiculous hours has left me unable to sleep for long periods. Its taken me 3 years to get it up to 5 hours and a 45 minute to an hour nap later in the day.
5-6 for most of the week but il need slightly longer every now and again for a night or 2 or it starts to catch up with me and reflects in my concentration/training
do 7, feel better on 8, Friday and Sat its usually more like a solid 9.5/10hrs then I feel lovely

so 8 to 9 prob my ideal
I can never have enough sleep, can easily do 12 hours straight, and quite regularly do on the weekends.

I'm not working for the foreseeable future so will be catching up on a lot of sleep, I'm used to 6-7 hours broken sleep a night with a long work day and a two and a half hour round trip to work and back chucked in. Week days were a right off and I spent most of my time before sleep lying in bed making notes on my phone and planning the next days activities at work, I'm not gonna miss that shit one bit.

I used to be able to just switch off when i lay in bed but for the last few years it's been the time when I think and plan the most, i need to start reading books in bed again when I get back to work and reprogram my brain to see it as rest time and not some strategic mapping session with no outside influences.
6 solid hours and I'm fine. It's broken sleep that's the real killer.
Never been a big sleeper.

I get 4-5 hours Monday to Friday and 7-8 hours at weekends.

This is pretty much me. I function very well on around 4 hours sleep Monday to Friday and sleep a little more on the weekends, but I also take 20 minutes naps in the day.

I have narcolepsy & ADHD, so my brain isn't wired the same way as other people. If I sleep any more than 6 hours, I feel like shit, and am extremely groggy throughout the morning.
About an hours sleep last night me littluns teething so i'll have to function on that today like to say i'll get an early night but cant see it happening vasectomy i think getting to old for any more kids
Had 7.5 last night and feel like shit
Weird ain’t it
6.5/7 and I’m fine
Got up half hour late as never heard alarm so put me right out of my routine
Complete insomniac here so a couple of hours and I'm good. Wednesday night got zero hours was wide awake all night, lying listening to music most of the night.