Journey To Re-build My Strength.

Got to the gym today as I felt better, triceps are feeling sore for some reason so no pressing today

Worked on technique
60kg x 2
100kg x 2 x 2
140kg x 2 x 3
160kg x 2
180kg x 1
200kg x 1

Managed to avoid butt wink and good morning the weight up (which I usually do on heavier sets) so technique is getting better.

Then onto sumo deadlifts
70kg x 3
120kg x 2
170kg x 1
200kg x 1
220kg x 1
240kg x just failed (technique issues) didn't get my hips close enough to the bar and legs locked out too fast giving me nowhere to go to lock it out

Will drop weight next week and work more on techniques on both lifts.
Going to build some monkey bars and maybe a bit of a climbing wall in my back garden so I'm going to start doing chin ups every day, it's one thing I've always been rubbish at, so hopefully I can get good at them, will start doing them every session in the gym until it's all built though.

Weighed myself today and I'm down 5kg in total now. Only another 14kg to go.
Tonight's training

Bar x loads
60kg x 10
100kg x 5
120kg x 3
140kg x 1 with long pause
150kg x 2

Close grip floor press
60kg x 10
80kg x 10
110kg x 10

I superset these with chin ups only managed 3 reps each set and did 4 sets

Incline dumbbell press
36kg x 10
42kg x 10
Was going to go to 50's but could only find 1 so jumped to
55kg x 5 drop set to 36kg x 10 drop to 24kg x 10

Dead stop tricep extensions

Bar + 30kg x 15
+ 40kg x 10
+ 45kg x 8
Well my weight seems to be coming off with not much effort, I'm down 7 kg now (15 lbs) I don't think I've been this light for a long time.

Squats working on new technique, hands much wider, bar a big lower and feet wider

Bar x loads
60kg x 5
80kg x 5
100kg x 3
140kg x 2
160kg x 2
180kg x 2
Tried old technique (feet a bit closer, hands closer)
180kg x 1 felt awful compared to new technique.

70kg x 3 sumo
110kg x 3 conventional
150kg x 3 conventional x 2 sumo
190kg x 2 sumo
210kg x 2 sumo

I got techniques it better today, it felt a lot harder off the floor but lockout felt fast and strong.

Then did some accessory work

Barbell bent over rows superset with leg extensions x 4 sets of each

Hamstring curls superset with lat pulldowns x 4 sets of each.

The squats are possibly a body weight raw pb sumo deadlifts could be too but not sure.

Next session will be overhead work and might throw some biceps in too.
Squat with new technique

I've got pretty weak knees so they come in quite a bit when coming up out of the hole, it's something I'm working on, I need to keep my glutes and hams activated, and strengthen my knees/muscles around the knees, hopefully me adding in the assistance exercises and keep working on new technique I'll see a improvement fast.
Sunday's training

Push press
Up to 120kg x 2
Side lateral raises 4 sets of 12 reps
Rear lateral raises 3 sets of 10

Machine shoulder press 1 hand at a time holding weight above head on resting arm, 4 sets of 8 reps

Then some shrugs.

Yesterday's training

Bench press
140kg x 3
140kg x 3

Incline dumbbell press
37kg x 12
44kg x 10
55kg x 5
44kg x 12

Flat flyes superset with dips x 4 sets

Then did some bicep work.

Started to get drawn to bodybuilding again, it's been years and years since I even thought about it but the more I do the more appealing it's becoming.
Today's training

Safety bar squats
60kg x 10
100kg x 5
120kg x 5
140kg x 5
140kg x 5
That's if bar weighs 20kg

Leg press
4 sets of 10 reps

Leg extensions
4 sets of 12 reps

Romanian deadlifts (1st time doing these)
60kg x 10
100kg x 10
140kg x 10
160kg x 10
160kg x 10

Think I'm going to do these for the time being instead of full deadlifts.

T-bar rows
4 sets of 12

Underhand pulldowns
4 sets of 10

Some other pulldowns

Straight arm pulldowns

Standing calf raises

Seated calf raises.

Down another kg (2.2lbs) so nice steady loss so far, if it keeps like this it will be another 12 weeks until I hit my target weight.
Today's training

Strict standing military press
40kg x 10
60kg x 8
80kg x 3
90kg x 3
100kg x 3
30 seconds rest then
60kg x 15

Dumbbell side laterals
3 sets of 10

Seated overhead dumbbell press
30kg x 12
36kg x 8
40kg x 8 I think

Then 3 sets of front raises with 20kg plate

Tricep rope push downs
4 sets of 8 going really slow on the negative

Single are dumbbell overhead extensions
4 sets of 10

Then a few close grip bench press.

Diet has been better this weekend so hopefully keeps the fat coming off.
Since I've changed my training my back feels a lot better, I get doms in every muscle (something I've missed) and it generally feels like I've trained. My strength still seems ok even though I'm 8kg down in weight. Just hope I can stick to it and get a physique I've always wanted while getting stronger, maybe even get down to 110kg @ 10% bodyfat, then focus on adding muscle without getting fat again.
Currently 132kg @ 25% bodyfat, so technically if I can lose another 20kg of just fat I should be 112kg and 10%, I hope I should beable to add some muscle too as it's been years and years since I've tried.
Tonight's training

Bar x 10
60kg x 10
80kg x 5
100kg x 3
120kg x 3
142.5kg x 3
140kg x 3

Incline dumbbell press
36kg x 12
44kg x 8
55kg x 6
44kg x 15
26kg + band x 12 x 2 sets

Incline flyes
4 sets of 12

Then did some reverse grip bench, only 60kg x 15

Incline dumbbell bicep curls
4 sets of 12

Concentration curls
4 sets of 12

Hammer curls
2 sets of 12

Ez bar reverse curls with manus grips
3 sets of 15

Flat bench strength doesn't seem to be improving but incline dumbbell press seems to be getting stronger.
they come in quite a bit when coming up out of the hole, it's something I'm working on, I need to keep my glutes and hams activated, and strengthen my knees/muscles around the knees, hopefully me adding in the assistance exercises and keep working on new technique I'll see a improvement fast.
Looked much better than form on the 200kg x 1. Not necessarily a bad thing re the knees coming in. Take a look at this.

Tonightw training, was supposed to be shoulders and triceps but I felt as though triceps didn't need any additional training so I dropped it and just did shoulders.

Standing strict military press
Bar x 10
40kg x 10
60kg x 5
80kg x 3
90kg x 3
102.5kg x 4, this is a pb I don't think I've ever attempted this before and especially not at this body weight

Dumbbell side laterals
4 sets of 15

Reverse flyes
3 sets

Machine shoulder press
4 sets of 10

Upright rows
4 sets of 15

Then did a bit of shrugs.

Weight was down to 131kg today, so another steady drop of 1 kg (2.2 lbs), well actually a bit more as last Friday I was 132kg but on Monday I was 133kg for some reason, probably was holding water because of something.

Think I'm going to rest now until Tuesday, and have a nice long weekend just with the family.
Yesterday's training

Incline bench press
60kg x 10
80kg x 5
100kg x 5
110kg x 3
120kg x 3
60kg x 30

Machine flyes
4 sets of 12, this has to be the best machine I've ever used it felt really good on pecs, they felt like they were going to explode.

Decline smith machine press
60kg x 15
80kg x 15
100kg x 12
100kg x 12

Machine press
4 sets of 12

Ez bicep curls
4 sets increasing weight each set

Dumbbell preacher curls
4 sets of 10

Hammer curls
4 sets of 12

I noticed at the weekend that my biceps have grown, I wore a t-shirt (that I've wore many times before) and noticed that the sleeves were tighter.

Weight hasn't changed in a couple of weeks so started doing cardio last night, prowler sprints, will try increase how many I do each week.
Yesterdays training

Front squats
70kg x 5
90kg x 5
110kg x 5
120kg x 5
120kg x 5
70kg x 15

Leg press
4 sets of 15

Leg extension
4 sets of 12

Standing 1 leg ham curls
4 sets of 15

Then did calves.

Finished with prowler work.

Weighed myself this morning and am 2kg down from Monday, just have to make sure it stays off over the weekend which will put me in a better place for next week.
Total weight loss is 9kg now.
No training today, have been ill all weekend, still got a temperature and sweating constantly, was set to have a good weekend diet and training wise and was hoping to get below 130kg, but don't know how weight is going to be affected by illness.