Lv's Journal


Light squats to warm up and some hamstring stretches

Dead stop deadlift
100kg x 5
100kg x 5
140kg x 5
140kg x 5
180kg x 1 Belt
220kg x 2 - clips came off
220kg x 4 clips came off again, probably could've got a 5th though

Was going to attempt 5 x 5 with 200, but one of the gym owners was training in the deadlift area for an hour, then had a class on straight after for an hour in the same area, leaving me with 15 mins to train as quickly as possible. Knobber.

Pause Squats
100kg 3 sets of 6

Cable rows
3 sets

Flat BB Bench
100kg x 15
100kg x 17 or 18, wasnt really paying attention
100kg x 15

HS Iso row
120kg x 10
160kg x 17
120kg x 20

Incline HS Seated chest press
80kg x 10
120kg x 10
80kg x 15 + 5 partials

HS Wide neutral grip pull down
80kg x 10
80kg x 10
80kg x 10

60kg x 15
70kg x 15
70kg x 15

Strength is pretty good considering no meat for nearly a week.

100kg x 5 x 2
140kg x 5
160kg x 5
180kg x 5
185kg x 4 braced my core too hard and gave myself head rush
140kg x 10

Leg ext
Half stack x 15
x 12
x 12

Hammer curls
22.5s x 12
27.5s x 6
25s x 10

Incline curl
10s x 15 x 3
19/3/17 Bit hungover, nothing special. Benched 120 for 2 x 10, only just and back offs of around 10 on 110 and 100, then 5 sets of 8 wide neutral grip pull ups and military press


Deadstop DL
140kg x 5
140kg x 5
180kg x 4
200kg x 5 x 3 (pretty easy this week)

Hack Squats
80kg x 10 x 3
Trained as usual, nothing special.


Deadstop Deadlifts
140kg x 5
140kg x5
180kg x 3 belt, mixed grip + chalk
180kg x 3
220kg x 3
220kg x 3
220kg x 3
220kg x 3
140kg x 10

HS Plate loaded shoulder press
80kg x 12
120kg x 10

Pretty good session.

Light Upper

Seated Incline SH press
+ 80kg x 12
+ 120kg x 10
+ 140kg x 10

HS Iso Row
120kg x 12
160kg x 17
120kg x 20

Flat BB Bench
100kg x 15
100kg x 15
100kg x 15

HS High Row
40kg x 10
80kg x 10
120kg x 10

60kg x 15
70kg x 15
70kg x 15

In and out within an hour and even managed a phone call.

Upper body circuit consisting of pull ups , battle ropes, curls super set with shoulder press, farmers walks and tire flips. Finished with some light chest and triceps work.


A bit drained from last nights session, so kept it short

100kg x 5
140kg x 5
160kg x 5
180kg x 5
180kg x 5
100kg x 20

4 sets leg ext to f
Sunday benched 120 for 10 and 125 for 5 for 2 sets, did some back and light arm work.


Deadstop deads
100kg x 5 x 2
140kg x 4 x 2
180kg x 3 x 2
220kg x 3
230kg x 2 pb - easy had another
230kg x 2
180kg x 7

Military press - bar felt a bit lighter than 20kg
+40kg x 10
+50kg x 8
+60kg x 6
+60kg x 8
You have some good solid numbers. It makes me look like I dont even lift lol.
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Ha, thanks mate. I think I'd have been living more if I'd actually picked a goal and stuck with it.

Definitely getting a bit lazy on lighter workouts, hitting pretty much the same reps each time.

Hs seated incline press
80kg x 12
120kg x 10
140kg x 10
80kg x 20 - straight set, last week from 15 was rest pause

Hs low row
80kg x 12
120kg x 10
120kg x 10 - 2 second hold and squeeze on last rep

Flat bench
100kg x 15
100kg x 15
100kg x 15

Hs ISO row
80 kg x 12
120kg x 10
160kg x 15 or 17

60kg x 15
70kg x 15
70kg x 19 - realised I was being lazy

Definitely getting a bit lazy on lighter workouts, hitting pretty much the same reps each time.

Hs seated incline press
80kg x 12
120kg x 10
140kg x 10
80kg x 20 - straight set, last week from 15 was rest pause

Hs low row
80kg x 12
120kg x 10
120kg x 10 - 2 second hold and squeeze on last rep

Flat bench
100kg x 15
100kg x 15
100kg x 15

Hs ISO row
80 kg x 12
120kg x 10
160kg x 15 or 17

60kg x 15
70kg x 15
70kg x 19 - realised I was being lazy

Thats some good numbers, if that is lazy then my numbers are more lazy lol.
Keep up the work brother. I will be following this.
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Squats up to 2 x 180kg x 5 no wraps, just patella support followed by 100kg for 20 with leg press and leg ext


2 sets of 116kg for 10 no wraps or supports then 10 for 19. 5 sets of 8 wide neural grip and incline curls to finish.


Deads - thought I'd try a 1rm, never really do singles

100kg x 5 x 2
140kg x 5
140kg x 3
180kg x 2 x 2
210kg x 1
240kg x 1 - this was my target, pretty easy though
250kg x 1 - still quick and no hitching, didn't want to push my luck though
180kg x 9
140kg x 12

All reps deadstop, chalk and belt only. 1rm probably between 255 and 260 at the minute.

Military press
Worked up to 2 sets 30kg per side for 7

Lighter machine work mainly

Hammer strength iso low row
+ 80kg x 12
+ 120kg x 10 x 2

Flat BB Bench
100kg x 15 x 3

HS high row
80kg x 12
+ 120kg x 10 x 2

HS Seated incline press
80kg x 10
120kg x 12
80kg x 20

Single arm cable pull down
2 sets of 15 and 1 heavier set of 12

Legs and biceps later