Olly's Wannabe Stronger Training Log

Nice one mate in the job front can't beat a bit of extra cash.

Incline DB Press
12.5kg x 10
17.5kg x 8
22.5kg x 5
27.5kg x 5
32.5kg x 5
35kg x 5
37.5kg x 8

Supersetted with Batwings
12.5kg x 10
17.5kg x 8
22.5kg x 5
27.5kg x 5
32.5kg x 5
35kg x 5
37.5kg x 8

BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 10

Supersetted with pull downs
X 10
X 10
X 10

Tricep ext
20kg X 15


20kg x 15

The DB selection in the gym, whislt pretty good (up to 60kgs) has a gap from 37.5kg to 47.5kg and im struggleing to bridgthat gap. Other than that just a bit of a fin session

I havent really been arsed to keep this up to date this week as ive been taking it easy on the lifting front this week, doing lots of conditioning for rugby pre season and i'm feeling the pace,

I ve managed a bitta benching and deadifting on Monday and a short squat session on Wed, conditioning and ball drilsl on Tuesday and Thursday and a 5km run this morning. Might try to do a wee bit of light shoulders and arms at lunch today then take it easy over the weekend


Bar x lots
60kg x 5
70kg x 5
80kg x 5
90kg x 5
95kg x 8
70kg x 10
60kg x 10

Supersetted with football bar rows
60kg x 5
70kg x 5
80kg x 5
90kg x 5
70kg x 10
60kg x 10

Trcep push down
X 10 (x 2 sets)

Hammer Curls
X 10 (x 2 sets)

Took it easy enough over after this weeks activities, trying to work out the best way to plan my sessions whilst my body get used to the other rugby training