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Post workout

Bagel with home made smoked mackerel pate

Lump of 0% fat greek yog. Stewed blackberries with a mixed cereal thing added.

980 cals
60 protein, 112 carbs, 27 fat


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Post workout

Bagel with home made smoked mackerel pate

Lump of 0% fat greek yog. Stewed blackberries with a mixed cereal thing added.

980 cals
60 protein, 112 carbs, 27 fat
That’s a lot of fat for post workout what’s the reason behind that?
That’s a lot of fat for post workout what’s the reason behind that?

I've got about 120g fat per day so its fairly evenly spread out. I have a fairly big meal pre workout too, so there's no urgency to get carbs or protein into me as I've already got a tonne of amminos swimming around in my blood from that meal.
Think fat tends to slow absorption though mate and its the faster the better post
Think fat tends to slow absorption though mate and its the faster the better post

I feel like the only thing I say at the minute is "study shows" but the whole anabolic window doesn't matter in fed circumstances. If it has any minor differences in highly trained athletes, those differences are blown out the window by my anabolic use.

The calorie load is enough to cause a very quick insulin spike. Insulin is not directly anabolic but it does massively reduce muscle protein breakdown by increasing the availability of amino acids.

If i was dieting or training fasted I might be tempted to eat a bit lower fats but the fact that I'm on AAS and a huge surplus means it would be pissing in the ocean and more effort eating less fats than I'd get out from it. That and I dont consider myself to be at the absolute 0.1% of a physique where those few little extras might win a show or come second.

The effect of protein timing on muscle strength and hypertrophy: a meta-analysis

"With respect to hypertrophy, total protein intake was the strongest predictor of ES magnitude. These results refute the commonly held belief that the timing of protein intake in and around a training session is critical to muscular adaptations and indicate that consuming adequate protein in combination with resistance exercise is the key factor for maximizing muscle protein accretion"

Role of insulin in the regulation of human skeletal muscle protein synthesis and breakdown: a systematic review and meta-analysis

"This study demonstrates the complex role of insulin in regulating skeletal muscle metabolism. Insulin appears to have a permissive role in MPS in the presence of elevated AAs, and plays a clear role in reducing MPB independent of AA availability."
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Another air fryer steak, sirloin this time. Everything apart from peas done in air fryer

Tiny portions cos of diet but taste keeps me going.

614cals, 72 pro, 38 carbs, 14 fat.
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