Rosie Rascal's Training Log

Udos rocks!!!
I've tried preps using other sources as fats like almonds, olive oil or egg yolks and I don't lose fat properly in the last few weeks if I use them rather than udos.

Cheat meals I just eat until I'm full :)
Good morning all :)

I've actually increased my calories as I'm in muscle gaining phase :)

7 eggs (2 yolks)
75g oats
25g flaxseed powder

250g chicken
100g greens
150g sweet potato

200g salmon
100g greens
150g sweet potato
1 tbsp udos

RCSS pro antium shake (2 scoops)

200g white fish
100g greens
150g potato
1tbsp udos

200g steak
100g greens
1tbsp udos

1 cheat meal a week

Ronnie Coleman signature series
Amino tone

Myo blitz (pre workout)
Stacked N.O

Pro antium (protein shake)

Resurrect P.M
Amino tone

Yet another female who eats more calories than me :facepalm::lol:

Looking forward to seeing the results!

Just a quick one (for anyone) - why is the UKBFF Nationals show called "Nationals"? Surely that's the British finals?? :confused::confused:
Honestly I don't know too much about the nationals, I've decided not to do this one now :)
Just Europeans now!!!

I do my own preps. I've done every single prep by myself for the last 11 years.
I used to get advice from my X whom I was with for ten years and he taught me pretty much everything but I always did everything for myself and worked out food and training etc.

I'm a very instinctive bodybuilder so I always know if I need more or less of something x
Great shoulder workout earlier today with one of my clients.

Rear delts
4 x seated rears
Superset with isolation pulses

3 x lying dumbell rows isolating rears
Superset with lying dumbell rears

3 x reverse peck deck

5 x Smith press

4 x dumbell press
Superset with dumbell upright rows

4 x single arm Side raises (with bench at your side to stop dumbell)

3 x side raises with alternative hand position

Quick touch up arms session today.

Incline bench barbell curls

Cable curls (high reps)

Cable Posers

Rope tricep push downs (high reps)
Barbell skull crushers
Dumbell skull crushers
Kick backs

Feels like I actually have a tiny bit of muscle to work with for the first time in months

I tend to downsize off season and do all the work pre contest so it's always very exciting to seethe changes weekly week
Hamstring stretches on the seated row and hamstring curls with a dumbell and bench :)

Also today I did 21's on seated hamstrings
Rosie...what reps do you work with? And can I ask about your hand positioning on side raises? How does this vary? xx
Hey nicky, yesterday I did standard 15, 12, 10, 6

But I sometimes do reps as high as 100. It depends what I feel is working on the day.

Right now I'm still in muscle gaining phase so I'm lifting a bit heavier with lower reps and less supersets etc..

Hand grip.

1.Sometimes without thumb around
2. Fist facing mirror coming straight from side or from rear
3. Fist facing behind you or up to ceiling and lift to side
Measurements at the start of my diet

Chest 39"
Bicep 13" (this will grow thank god)
Waist 25"
Quad 21"
Calf 14"

My measurements are pretty good, just my biceps that are a little small to be perfect proportions... But they will grow and waist will shrink :)
Many thanks for the reply Rosie! My delt routine is going a little stale so I hope you don't mind if I pinch your hand positioning idea :whistling: