What Unit Does Nhs Use For Bloodtest?


Full Member

I just received a blood test back from NHS. Im new to the UK. Please help me confirm the unit that NHS is using. Here is the SMS that they sent back to me. Btw Im 30 yo male. Should I still pursue TRT?

Your results have been received. Your total testosterone level is 17.3 but this calculates to a normal Free testoserone of 0.443 for someone in your age range.

Nhs have there own labs did you only have testosterone checked
Nhs have there own labs did you only have testosterone checked
I thought they will do a thorough check because I told them that I intend to continue TRT in UK as a new patient after stopping for a year.

All they sent me is the message above via SMS and another text saying “Your blood count is normal”

Before moving to the UK I had 4.35 ng/mL. Not sure if NHS is using the same unit of measurement or not.
if your test levels are normal why would you want to run trt
lol run a course of test come off then get tested while your test levels have crashesd :)
Is there a good way to lower test In blood to use before this test?
Have a wank approximately two hours before bloods are taken. Or am I getting confused with a sperm count? I’m sure sperm aren’t found in blood though. Unless perhaps something unconsensual has taken place.