Why alcohol can stop you reaching your goals


Performance Nutritionist
Why aren’t you reaching your goals? – Answer – Alcohol – By Ollie Matthews
‘But I only have a couple on Friday and Saturday nights’ I know this is a phrase all to many of us hear time and time again but do we realise how detrimental the effect of alcohol is to us achieving our goals whether they are simply to lose fat, build muscle, ‘tone’, or a certain fitness level that you desire to attain? The answer unfortunately will become very clear by the end of this article.
First off lets look at what alcohol actually is, yes, it is classed as a nutrient but if you ask any nutritionist the chances are they will say the phrase ‘empty calories’ when it comes to this particular nutrient compared to the other three that are around – protein, carbohydrates and fats. Alcohol has almost double the amount of calories that protein and carbohydrates per gram (7 calories) and only 2 less than a gram of fat and seeing that your body cannot particularly make use of these 7 calories per gram of alcohol then we can clearly see why the term empty calories gets used here.
When the body sees alcohol in the system it is using this as the first form of fuel to be burnt meaning that the body stops using carbohydrates and fats for energy, postponing the fat burning processes meaning that more of these calories will get burnt for fat. Not only is this a real bad thing but when we look at the alcoholic beverages that get consumed there is not JUST alcohol included in the ingredients, a lot will contain sugary carbohydrates, fats, so with the body already stopping utilising carbs and fats for energy the extra carbs can cause insulin spikes in the system, meaning more fat storage and that fat included in the alcoholic drink, you guessed it, goes straight into those fat cells for a rainy day.
Let’s look at another thing that seems to happen also and that is loosening the mental inhibitions you may have when sober (this is blamed for lots of walks of shame the morning after.J) what I am getting at is, what else do you have after and alongside the great booze nights out, do you stop for a pizza? A kebab? Burger? Alcohol has a massive effect on increasing your appetite so eating that extra junk means loads more calories for example a large pizza itself will probably amount to a good 1200 calories itself, remember, the body is already using the alcohol before burning the carbs and fats for energy so what happens to these 1200+ calories from the junk food? There is a danger the body could store these straight up for that rainy day also.
What other damage does alcohol do to the body? Well, liver damage for starters. A healthy liver is needed to process toxins and to break down fats for fuel, damage to this can have a very negative effect on your bodies composition.
I know you have heard of that thing called Testosterone. Used by the body to build muscle, good levels are vital to help with burning fat. Alcohol will lower your testosterone levels dramatically, meaning less fat burning, less muscle building, in fact less muscle can have a double impact on fat burning as your metabolic rate will decrease meaning you will find it harder to burn fat once again.
When we look at athletic performance decreased coordination will be seen, hand/eye coordination along with reaction times, greater fatigue levels, you will get easily dehydrated, there is a great impact to the amount of recovery time needed for cellular repair, lower endurance and aerobic functions, depletion of vitamins & minerals, sleep issues, and glycogen depletion of the brain can have a massive effect on your alertness.
Most think the day after is the worst but in fact reports have shown these effects prominent for 48 and even 72 hours after drinking sessions in some case studies.
So going with the facts discussed above lets revisit what we started with ‘But I only have a couple on Friday and Saturday nights’. The answer to the question is a simple, Yes, it can have a massive effect and it is easy to see why so many champion athletes avoid alcohol completely and why so many fall short of their goals however big or small.
If you would like to know more about diet and training plans tailored to your specific needs email myself ojaymatthews@hotmail.co.uk, contact me on facebook Ollie ‘ojay’ Matthews ‘BodyCatchers Online Personal Training’ group or simple click onto www.bodycatchers.com for more information.
Why alcohol can stop you reaching your goals.....article I wrote a while back

Awesome article! I new that pack of corona last night was no good..... But it was also SOOOO good :p

Na seriously tho good article I will think twice about buying some for no reason now.

i'll post up some of my older articles that I done for my sponsor later today too since they were on the old Bodybuilding Warehouse site

there's a vitamin one
sleep one
glutamine one
think a couple more too
good article but the offset to it is likes of myself,rams and countless others out there who not only HEAVILY drank most weekends when prepping but we also turned up on stage looking sh1t hot :)

Obviously reducing alcohol intake dramatically is going to help but just saying so many use it as an excuse as to why they arent getting anywhere when in my mind if they were busting their asses and doing what they are CLAIMING to be doing bbing terms,then they would progress just dandily,god knows have proven this time and again,as have many many others out there,christ some of the best bbing athletes have had habitual drink and drug problems,everything from actual smack heads to full blown alcoholics.

Not recommending that anyone try it out obviously as it catches up with you eventually,none of us are superhuman!
gym was cold this morn , i think a nip of brandy pre workout might have helped,get the blood
Well weeman when you have the hormone levels of 20 men I think you can get away with shit like drinking like a fish ;)

In general I will agree and say that a couple of drinks in moderation wont harm you.

That said going back to your arguement....think how good you could have been if you didn't do that!
Calories aside getting that drunk would cut into recovery...you could have trained more and harder without a doubt if you cut that out which would have result in a more muscular body.
Made some of the best gains since starting training at the start of this year. Attributing part of it to dropping out the couple bottles of vodka a week :lol:
i think going off drink makes a big difference, cant say how. but when i dont drink for 3-4 weeks i feel awesome

ive drank prob 6 times in last 7 months and i feel way better

the tiny bit of yellow i had in the inside of my eye(persume liver/kidney related) it has gone
Been tee-total for several years and made the best gains ever. Feel so much healthier too, no more hangovers that last for days, fuck that.
Why alcohol can stop you reaching your goals.....article I wrote a while back

Ill get shitfaced about once a month at a party or special occasion, other than that, my drinking is sporadic at best. If I feel like having a beer or wine, I do. I don't feel like its hindered my gains, and if it has, it was worth it. Arnie used to drink 6 wheat beers a day during the off season remember?
Why alcohol can stop you reaching your goals.....article I wrote a while back

Yeah but you're American, you're shitfaced is our pre dinner session!

Another reason I need to visit the UK. On second thought, I'm not sure I could hang. Last time I got shitfaced I fell out of the bathtub and ripped the toilet out of the floor.
Imo the whole drinking and bodybuilding is a little over-exaggerated.... I think it's more so of a problem if one is natural.
Got a number of mates who look fkn shit hot shape terrible diets and drink like fish train 3-4 times a week half @ssed yet stay pretty shredded all year round. Alcohol and coke def does have a strong effect on this imo. Not healthy though of course.