Why do we not train first thing in the morning??

they are probably missing you too

To be fair im the most reserved in the gym. I get in get on with workout and leave, and im quiet and put weights away. Unlike all the polish for example that scream like they are getting raped with barb wire, throw the weights about break things and scream back and forth to each other in jibberish.....
When I work late shift I train at 10am and I hate it, feel lethargic and takes me a while to get going
To be fair im the most reserved in the gym. I get in get on with workout and leave, and im quiet and put weights away. Unlike all the polish for example that scream like they are getting raped with barb wire, throw the weights about break things and scream back and forth to each other in jibberish.....

im the same tbh say hello to a couple of people then head down...avoid eye contact so nobody tries to talk to me
Supposedly the anabolic window is a lot longer than the few hours after training.

Plus digestion speeds are so slow at times, previous meals are still being digested pwo and your "pwo" meal wouldnt be fully digested for many hours pwo.
Have trained at 6am in the past but last few years have been training around 8 or 9pm, i find neither ideal but its a hobby and you fit it in when you can, i used to eat and then take a pre wo stim and do the 40 minute drive to edinburgh and train before going to work, some stims and a decent soundtrack in the car can be conducive to a good session at that time in the morning.

Ive always avoidef the 4-7pm rush as much as possible, i dislike the general population at the best of times but not being able to get on the equipment i want when ive got my training head on really fucks me off.
Never wake up usually before 11am, so training at 4pm feels early anyway.
I have done it in the past.
I like to train at 4pm for the following reasons.
-I still feel strong and often a bit annoyed at that point thus ready to kill it.
-I eat my biggest meals around training and take a preworkout. This keeps my hunger at bay and before I know it time to go to bed has rolled around.
-Training really takes a lot out of me. All I need to do after I finish training is train one client and then I can go home....

This exactly, minus the client, because nobody is going to listen to me anyway.
I have read that to train optimally the cns needs time to wake up fully... thus training right after waking its not so good, I train around 1430 and find this works nicely for me, but then I am lucky as I can fit it in then...
When im off work i always tend to do my training early in the day 9amish same with my cardio but during a normal working week i would have to be in the gym for about 4am so it has to be after work for me.

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well, i dont know if its because it was the first session, and im very motivated at the moment, but i just did my workout and was extremely good.

id say i had more energy than usual and felt very fresh. i had it in my mind though that it wouldnt effect me so maybe thats why it didnt.
On the flip side you could also say that due to fasting all night you need at least a few meals through you to get energy levels up
However in reality due the time the digestive system takes to process a meal from start to finish it makes very little difference and is more down to personal preference , if you eat regularly and throw some healthy fats in with your last meal then in reality there isn't really much of a break in nutritional flow and it just boils down to when you feel at your best I currently train t a different time every day just have to fit it in where I can and have found no real difference tbh
I often train between 6:30 and 7:30 in the morning and that's after a near hour journey to get to the gym. Takes a few sessions to adapt but after a while I've found no real difference between am and pm training.

I've set big deadlift PB's in early morning sessions. Feel I can concentrate more during the early sessions as the gym's quieter, I can just get on with my shit.

Admittedly, having a desk job helps as I know I'll be sitting on my arse for the rest of the day.