2 ½ scoops of Brotein

Thank you to Tatty, Paul, Greg, Kuju, Mike, FrowningB, Viking, Bonzer, and everyone else. Sorry they're not better.

Start: 66.2kg
End : 73.5kg

Nice Bewbies. Good weight gain brah. ONTO THE NEXT GOAL! :D

You have actually made gains and not just got fatter. This my dear is EXACTLY what bodybuilding is so that is perfect.
Thank you to Tatty, Paul, Greg, Kuju, Mike, FrowningB, Viking, Bonzer, Eastwood and everyone else. Sorry they're not better.

Start: 66.2kg
End : 73.5kg

Sorry they're not better......than what exactly? What benchmark are we supposed to be putting you up against? Other people in teh transformation contest....hmmm.....didn't a few of them have different goals to you? Not exactly a fair comparison is it.

maybe you mean better than a pro bodybuilder...but wait...you're NOT a pro bodybuilder. Yet.

Ah I know - you mean sorry they're not better than......err......nope...I had it there but it's gone. Hmmm........

Let's recap what you did shall we..... *ahem*

1. Gained several kg of quality muscle
2. Gained strength across the board
3. Took on new techniques and put yourself forward for a professional trainer to punish you (and yes I know the punishment bit is fun for you but all the same....)
4. Adapted your trainng to suit small changes in your goals
5. Focussed on diet and made that an essential part of your log (great looking food by the way)
6. Did all of this in a very public forum....and maintained it....whilst also holding down a job, a marriage and several small and lightly oiled nubiles....oh no hang on that last bit was me...but anyway....

The only thing you need to apologise for is whining........... otherwise you da man :D This whole experience was basically a taster for the future. It gave you ideas about what kind of strength athlete you want to be, it gave you focus, it provided a draswing board for you to experiemnt with diet and training strategies. And now....when you do it again......you'll have all of that stuff nailed.

And we can listen to you bitch about something else instead................... :)

But congratulations buddy - you should be very proud of what you've done here. :D
Why bother?

Why not....what else you got going on? :D

Seriously though, you achieved a lot. You progressed. Your body is now becoming much more...yours. That's why. Plus...and trust me on this one...it'll stand you well when you get to my age or older. It'll make a BIG BIG difference to your quality of life. Part of the reason i don't hang out with too many people my age is because frankly...they can't keep up with me :D
Because you're only just beginning to see the transformation your body's under-going (think of it not as a contest but rather an experiment)

Good post, I'm in a similar position.

Looking forward to seeing what I can achieve, you should be too Finn
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"He who conquers others is strong;
He who conquers himself is mighty.
He who controls others may be powerful,
but he who has mastered himself is mightier still."
Lets check...

Toys back in the pram = ✔
Dummy no longer spat out = ✔
Neck fully wound in = ✔

End of the comp coincided with my sister's wedding, mad rush to Cyprus, 40 something degree heat and solely subsisting off watermelon. Airline decided to give me an extra day in Cyprus which meant I got back to a mad few days with all my students taking exams and me running around is a super stressed state telling my lads to just BE F*CKING CALM! (Also had two lads beat the living sh*t out of another in my class - pressed the General Alarm and stood there with my dick in hand waiting for First Response to descend upon us in a rain of riot shields and truncheons. Nothing happened and I ended up wading in and separating them and getting blood on me Hollister shirt. C*nts.)

So, its been pretty busy - slacked off training (yeah ok maybe I was a little bit demotivated but I'm over that now)...diet went to pot and I ended up losing 3kg.

Its funny, one negative can have a knock on effect and suddenly you're on this spiral into muggle world (eating crisps, sleeping past 5am, using a lift etc)....diet and training and sleep are so important to me and I can't seem to focus on two and let another slip. If i was over sleeping I didnt have time for the gym, if I had't worked out I no longer had the bruning impetus to find the most logical and effective source of food to compliment that training and so on and so on.

Anyway, so I'm sitting in Morrison's cafe (yes, honestly) eating chips (seriously) and flicking through the pics my sis took of her holiday. The last time I was in Cyprus I was 16 and my sis took one of those random pictures of me on the beach. Nothing special in her eyes or the rest of my family and I think, looking at the photo, that I was mid conversation or mid epileptic fit or something. Anyway it was one of those disposable cameras and we had it developed when we got back...I remember looking at that pic of me wearing swim shorts and nowt else and feeling this cold, sick dread creeping all over my body. This was how I looked? This was how other people saw me? I was so think it was unreal, I could have easily been mistaken for someone with a sever eating disorder or history of POW camp experience. I nicked that photo and hid the f*cker in a book, allthe while trying to figure out who else could have seen in.

In my minds eye I saw the people at max spielburg or wherever standing around my photo, pointing and laughing whilst doing random double bi poses and squatting the photo developer machinery. I saw the people on the beach at cyprus whispering to each other behind their beach umbrellas 'poor lad, maybe a charity sent him here...

So anyway, fast forward to now, post holiday and I'm sitting in morrisons eating dem chips and flicking through the pics and suddenly there's a pic of standing next to my mum and dad and I don't look half bad. Don't get me wrong, I still look skinny but I don't look like I;ve just escaped from someone's cellar.

Didn't finish those chips. Got up, drove home, got my kit, went back to work then straight to the gym.


Motivated like a mudder fukker.

On top of that an ex-member of here (I'll put your name in if you want me to later) and I are competing against each other. 5th of September is the deadline and if either of us cry off we have to pay the other £100. He's already way aheadof me, we're just trying to beat each other in terms of development (and I am catching you up dude :P). But that competitive edge is back. :D

Hell yeah
Glad you're back on the wagon, so to speak - made progress over last few months, will make more in the next.
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