FlashCut(tm)...not quite as flash as originally intended

ive done several sessions i have forgot to log now, i wont bother as its a lot of typing, did a chest, delts, tris and bi's session and was up on everything. Did a back, bis and tri's session and was up on everything. (3 days between each session)

Today was legs:

Single quad curl
90/8 2 partials
80/8 2 partials
70/8 2 partials

Both legs
120/10 2partials
110/10 2 partials
100/12 3 partials

Single leg press
Stopped as left knee felt ready to pop as twisted funny at the weekend messing about camping

Both leg press

Calf raises

Ham curl single leg
50/8 3 partials
40/8 2 partials
30/8 2 partials

Both leg ham curl
80/8 2 partials
70/8 2 partials
60/8 5 partials

Up on everything.

food today. Lowering carbs a bit just for this week to drop water so im more comfortable on holiday:

7 egg whites, 3 whole eggs, 2 bananas 200ml milk
100g pasta, 200g chicken, handful pistachio nuts
100g pasta, 200g chicken, handful pistachio nuts
8 egg whites, 2 bananas 200ml milk
100g pasta, 200g chicken, handful pistachio nuts
8 egg whites, 200ml milk

Drugs today
100mg NPP
50mg tren ace
50mg dbol
54mg ephedrine
400mg caffeine
75mg aspirin x3
8iu slin x2
Have you concerns about running tren and deca together?
You running b6, caber or anything?

its just i constantly see people saying not to run them together, but I'm thinking its another wives tale?
Have you concerns about running tren and deca together?
You running b6, caber or anything?

its just i constantly see people saying not to run them together, but I'm thinking its another wives tale?

only one way to find out mate. Its only for a week. not running anything you suggested. Got enough drugs in tbh. Only drug that effect prolactin in me seems to be anadrol.
Well i was thinking if running something similar that's why i was asking...
Well i was thinking if running something similar that's why i was asking...

Chuck it in then mate. You can ask others all you want, but one thing is clear in this game. The way one thing reacts in one person, does not mean it will be the same in another. Stick it in a syringe and give it a try if you are interested. start low, increase until reaching desired effect.
Chuck it in then mate. You can ask others all you want, but one thing is clear in this game. The way one thing reacts in one person, does not mean it will be the same in another. Stick it in a syringe and give it a try if you are interested. start low, increase until reaching desired effect.

Npp + tren ace is defo, erm, effective ;)

Prolactin issues as mark said are individual, why not throw in some mast p to lower estro levels and winny as an anti p?
Npp + tren ace is defo, erm, effective ;)

Prolactin issues as mark said are individual, why not throw in some mast p to lower estro levels and winny as an anti p?

no winny, and no mast (apart from in one rip) and by the time it would come, id be on hols already. After hols....i dont give a f.uck about the water gain tbh. Part of growing and as long as its not out of control, no harm. if it did get out of control, id add adex. Diet is pretty clean so i dont hold too much tbh.

Ephedrine seems to just pull water off me really fast, Tren pops the veins out and before you know it, in 6 days, you look leaner than you actually are :) Confidence is up, bring on the sun.

On another note...f.uck me, stupidly stupidly horny today. Keep hasseling the wife "is it bed time yet" :lol:
Haven't used tren for over a year now. Tempted by a dabble next cycle I must admit.
Excited for holiday son? What's weather like out there at moment?
Haven't used tren for over a year now. Tempted by a dabble next cycle I must admit.
Excited for holiday son? What's weather like out there at moment?

Stupidly excited now. Literally counting down the days. Weather is sun 30 degrees in the shade everyday. That will do nicely :)
You not at 100kg yet? :tongue:

97.2kg yesterday...or the day before mate. Wont be too long now. I'll probably drop some weight on holiday because i just stick to normal food, 3 times a day. No worrying if ive hit macros and crap like that on holiday for me.
97.2kg yesterday...or the day before mate. Wont be too long now. I'll probably drop some weight on holiday because i just stick to normal food, 3 times a day. No worrying if ive hit macros and crap like that on holiday for me.

You might actually gain mate, lower meal frequency might slow metabolism somewhat and you will be drinking beers and eating well, plus relaxing so less cortisol. I went through a phase of eating 3 big meals a day and 2 protein shakes plus a beer or 2 every night. Only trained 3x a week and the result was i gained a few lbs!!

Regardless, enjoy the time out. Looking good from the recent pics, still veiny as hell and getting thicker so its paying off. Areas of attention id say are tricep hang (biceps have def come up) hamstring drop and inside thighs, traps need to come up a touch too.
You might actually gain mate, lower meal frequency might slow metabolism somewhat and you will be drinking beers and eating well, plus relaxing so less cortisol. I went through a phase of eating 3 big meals a day and 2 protein shakes plus a beer or 2 every night. Only trained 3x a week and the result was i gained a few lbs!!

Regardless, enjoy the time out. Looking good from the recent pics, still veiny as hell and getting thicker so its paying off. Areas of attention id say are tricep hang (biceps have def come up) hamstring drop and inside thighs, traps need to come up a touch too.

yeah used to be other way around, bis were proper weak and tris good, its switched now so i think even more focus on triceps.

Added in 3 more working sets to hams now as i dont think i had enough direct attention on them.

Traps...i'll add in shrugs every back session instead of just wen i feel like it. 6 sets, 3 with the bar in front, 3 with it behind back.
Good sh1t mate, for inside thighs try the hip adductor/abductor - cant mind which one it is but basically the one that works the inside, think its the vastus muscle. Squats help too.
Good sh1t mate, for inside thighs try the hip adductor/abductor - cant mind which one it is but basically the one that works the inside, think its the vastus muscle. Squats help too.

The one that looks like your directing eye traffic to yer baws? :tongue: