I Said Classic Physique Destroys Open Bodybuilding

have you ever competed mate? just curious or been involved in training anyone of note?

Nah I do strongman/powerlifting. Dont have the will power to get super lean, or the balls to step on a stage for people like me to judge how I look:rofl:
TBF even the great Arnold had a wide waist hence all the twisting shots and i think it was menzer who Arnold called out for having a pot belly lol
Ken/GWS/Huntinground ex poster on here catching us mere mortals in jis keep net.

'la' I believe is 'lad' but as a scouse would say it. Gonna be chastised if I'm wrong now haha. That's how I've always interpreted it.

That's right la
I know this is an in joke on here and I dont get it? Same with "la". Help me out so I can be suitably offended?

Ken was the richest man on here. Brilliant at adding value to houses through DIY and picking winning stocks to invest in. Furthermore he was an unbeaten powerlifting champion, and Mattel used him as the inspiration when they decided that Barbie needed a fella.
Ken was the richest man on here. Brilliant at adding value to houses through DIY and picking winning stocks to invest in. Furthermore he was an unbeaten powerlifting champion, and Mattel used him as the inspiration when they decided that Barbie needed a fella.

Ah so its a compliment then! :innocent:
30 years ago there wasn't a huge variety of stuff available, well not to your average gym goer anyway. I remember there being test in its forms, decca, Ganabol ( equi ), Winny inj,
orals dbol, oxy, winny. Dont recall hearing of tren, ( would read of parabolan being used by Serge etc but had stopped being produced so nothing until later when ugls became popular ) I recall a Mr U guy i know suggesting Insulin to me around 25yrs ago and had honestly never heard of it being used before, the idea scared me to death lol.
I'm sure other areas had greater access but really didn't see much more but, it was all pharma.
I used to read books and go asking for stuff and just get looked at like I was speaking in tongues, Philips anabolic reference guide and Dan duchaines books, spent a fortune on just books because, no Internetz

emptied a cupboard out today, found some old treasure :D
few old books,
dan duchaines underground hand book,
anabolic ref guide, ( that was the bible )
one of Mick harts.

also found some books worth a fair bit of money, blood and guts, Arnold's encyclopedia ( hard back original )
2 x vince Girondas wild physique

gold i tell ya....
GOLD !!! :rolleyes: