A Dubious Introduction

A Dubious Introduction


Well fuck me. Simon and myself discussed this a while back – a bloody good while back - me rambling/ranting/generally talking shit and posting it on some some sort of bloggy type deal. He seemed to think I might be able to write, and that some of you cunts might enjoy reading it - get a laugh maybe. One or two of you might even think I know what I am talking about. You one or two are probably wrong...

There is a problem though! As most of you who have read my posts across various forums over the years already know – I do enjoy a good rant/ramble. A good argument. I'm normally quite good at it too, enjoying a certain set of skills that allow me to call someone out for being a cunt – or make them make themselves look like one – and have them thank me for it. Certainly, while not an expert wordsmith, it is fair to say I am articulate, and rarely stuck for something to write.

Until now it seems. The problem is that now I have carte blanche to rant to my hearts content, on pretty much any topic, bodybuilding related or otherwise, I don't have a clue what to write about. Arse biscuits. So I'll make this one a bit of an introduction I guess, for those of you that don't know me. I’ll just start typing and see where it ends up.

I'm a middle aged.... wait - I think? Is 34 middle aged? To be fair with the things I've done to my body over the years, if I live to 68 I'll be fucking gobsmacked so on that logic I’m probably beyond middle aged... I've already confused myself, where was I.... oh yeah, I'm a middle aged either retired or on a break (which one depends on how I feel any given day) amateur competitive bodybuilder. I've had some local success, but I'm nothing that great tbh, and have more potential untapped than tapped – but then don't we all?

I'm known in life and on forums for saying what I think, and I try to be honest always – as many a dieting bodybuilder has found, much to their chagrin. I also have gained a few Haterz ™ – online and local – due to saying things that upset people, but only usually because it is the truth… something people do tend to struggle with somewhat.

So I suppose that’s kinda where I am going to take this blog, just on a journey of whatever pops into my head, told in my usual “from the hip” manner.

I suppose I better get ready for a fresh influx of haterz ™ :D

Anyway, subscribe, and maybe try reading my shit - and if you don't like it.... well, you know what to do :lol:

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