Back To Where I Belong....

115 3 x 5 reps ( yes was mean't to be 122.5 but didn't realise until later that it was more, no wonder it felt heavy lol (blonde moment).

Paused Squats
115 x 2
117.5 x 1

Leg Curls
55 x 12
50 x 12
45 x 12

Leg Press
225 x 10

sorry for getting the weight wrong @Dig but least it shows I am strong lol
70 x 4 (PB!)

Bench Wide
2 x 6 reps @ 62.5

Deadstop Ez Ext
32.5 x 7
29.5 x 10
27 x 12

EZ Curl
32.5 x 8
27.5 x 10
27.5 x 10
27.5 x 8
27.5 x 8

very happy with todays PB.. could have done with pausing a bit more on the 70kg bench.